Saturday 28 February 2015

Finding Your Dream Home

I love the internet A LOT! I can while away hours just surfing the net, shopping, researching, watching crazy cat videos but one of my favourite things (and I know I'm not alone in this) is looking at houses! Thanks to the internet I can look at property for sale in Wiltshire, Cardiff, London, Scotland, Spain, India you name it I can look for my dream home anywhere in the world!

Picture No. 01
photo credit Strutt and Parker


I mean obviously I love my home and I don't want to move far away but with 3 children close together the knowledge that the will all be teenagers before I can say 'have we soundproofed the house' and there will be fights for the bathroom, dirty laundry everywhere, and generally bodies moving all over! So my perfect home has a lot of demands...


It shall have


  • 5 double bedrooms each with an en suite
  • A living Room
  • An office big enough for two
  • A giant entrance hall
  • A Dining room
  • A kitchen large enough for a huge farmhouse table
  • A family room with a huuuuuuge TV
  • A luxury bathroom with waterfall shower and a tub big enough to lie down in
  • A utility room
  • A cloakroom
  • A dressing room
  • A huge garden

Now how much do you thing we will need to win on the lottery before we can find a nice bit of land near the sea large enough to build that house on?




This is a collaborative post

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