Wednesday 4 February 2015

Reasons To Be Cheerful - My Thankful Thursday Post

So many things to smile about this week ...

  • Lighter Mornings
  • Longer Days
  • Baking biscuits
  • A lovely meet up with a work mate from my theatre days and her gorgeous offspring
  • Losing more weight
  • Fab work opportunities
  • A new paella pan
  • Home made rice pudding

  • Belly biting (not really) my termite and making her giggle so hard
  • Wearing earmuffs indoors because it's hilarious when you are 1!
  • Talking about prayers with my Golden Child
  • Planning holidays
  • Upcoming meetings up with my besties
  • Peanut, Termite and I having an unplanned duvet day with lots of snuggles and play
  • Homemade Tandoori Chicken Kebabs that taste better than takeaway
  • Receiving a new recipe book to review
  • Watching the kids learn to swim
  • Dinner with just the husband
  • Catching up with an old friend
  • Juicy Oranges
  • Our North East Network of Brilliant Bloggers is growing daily and creating new opportunities for a lovely bunch of bloggers
  • Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy





  1. Brilliant list! I love when you cook something that tastes better than the take away!

  2. Wow that's a fab list. The home-made rice pudding has made me feel hungry - haven't made a rice pudding for ages! Love the earmuffs photo - silly things like that are so much fun with little ones :-)

  3. Great list - you really do have a lot to be thankful for :D #NEBrilliantbloggers

  4. I love looking at life this way, Kate #NEBrilliantbloggers

  5. Great list!! Looks like a great week.

