Thursday 19 February 2015

My Thankful Thursday

I feel Iike I may be repeating myself here but this week I have a simple thankyou...

After a good few weeks of poorliness I'm saying THANKYOU NHS for providing medicine and doctors and open access to services, for having staff who care and are helpful and for being open and free  to all (even those who don't show their appreciation). THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU 


  1. The NHS is definitely something to be thankful for. It's certainly very high up my gratitude list too! Hope you are okay and haven't been too in need of its services lately x

    1. I bet they are high up on your list. Thankfully all is well

  2. They are wonderful!
    I hope you are feeling better soon x

    1. Ah thanks Kim it's just typical end of winter bugs but I'd smugly thought we had escaped!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We definitely all take it for granted and are too quick to whinge about it at times ... we are very very lucky to have it and the amazing people who work so hard to keep us healthy :)

  5. We are really lucky to have the NHS. I really hope it stays for generations to come.
