Saturday 28 February 2015

Finding Your Dream Home

I love the internet A LOT! I can while away hours just surfing the net, shopping, researching, watching crazy cat videos but one of my favourite things (and I know I'm not alone in this) is looking at houses! Thanks to the internet I can look at property for sale in Wiltshire, Cardiff, London, Scotland, Spain, India you name it I can look for my dream home anywhere in the world!

Picture No. 01
photo credit Strutt and Parker


I mean obviously I love my home and I don't want to move far away but with 3 children close together the knowledge that the will all be teenagers before I can say 'have we soundproofed the house' and there will be fights for the bathroom, dirty laundry everywhere, and generally bodies moving all over! So my perfect home has a lot of demands...


It shall have


  • 5 double bedrooms each with an en suite
  • A living Room
  • An office big enough for two
  • A giant entrance hall
  • A Dining room
  • A kitchen large enough for a huge farmhouse table
  • A family room with a huuuuuuge TV
  • A luxury bathroom with waterfall shower and a tub big enough to lie down in
  • A utility room
  • A cloakroom
  • A dressing room
  • A huge garden

Now how much do you thing we will need to win on the lottery before we can find a nice bit of land near the sea large enough to build that house on?




This is a collaborative post

Friday 27 February 2015

Mothers Day Gifts

This year I've gotten an early start on Mother's Day gifts, mostly because the Husband is off around the world and leaving me alone on Mothering Sunday!!

So in preparation we (well actually he) took to the internet to choose some gifts....

I have to say the boy (and Truprint) did good, but first I must tell you of my love of Travel mugs, you see I spend time (sometimes what seems like a lot of time) standing in the background of my children's lives whilst they partake in endless fun things. Swimming, Athletics, Toddler play groups, parties etc. Then there is the transportation time and sometimes Mummy just needs a cuppa. I know I'm not alone, football mums, rugby mums when you are standing on that field cold and wet you know all you want is a hot brew, so take it from me a travel mug will be your best investment for the foreseeable future.


With that in mind my man couldn't have chosen a better gift than this Travel Mug he has picked 3 of my favourite (and rare) pictures of me with my babies and look what he has had written on it ... 'I am The Monkeyfooted Mummy' I just love it.

He stayed with a safe option for my next gift, and to be honest has saved us looking like the worst parents! See we have had canvas prints of Peanut and The Golden Child hanging in the living room for years but we've never gotten round to ordering a matching one of Termite despite having hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of her! So at last I have a perfectly matching one the same size and depth as the others to hang in pride of place on the wall and ensure we no longer look like Termite is forgotten!


Spartacus said he struggled to choose what to buy from all the choices in the mothers day section He was stuck between the Mug or some personalised table mats which I think are a fab idea, but Im pleased I got my mug!

So whilst I know what gifts I'm getting this year, thanks to my gallivanting husband! I'm pleased with the effort and thought that has gone into them and I still have a surprise card thankd to Truprints Mum in a Million Campaign. You see the good folk over at Truprint have decided to help make a million mums smile by giving away a MILLION FREE Mothers Day cards, You can make your FREE Personalised Mothers Day Card here Enter code MUMINAMILLION at checkout. Did I mention they are FREE. I can't wait to open mine!


Ooh and Id love to see what you create, post pictures on our wall or tweet them to @monkeyfeettweet

Follow Truprint



Follow The Monkeyfooted Mummy



T and Cs

  • Awards one free 7x5 folded card
  • Standard P&P charges apply (99p)
  • Ship to recipient not available
  • Complete with envelope
  • Code is One time use only
  • Strictly one code use per household.

Collaborative Post


Thursday 26 February 2015

Thankful Thursday 26 February

Can you believe it's almost March? Spring is most definitely in the air, the nights are getting lighter, the days longer and there are flowers popping up everywhere. Now you see there's a thankful thursday post right there! I can't wait to see all your links this week.
Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.
If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.
Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Birthing Choices - My Thankful Thursday

I have given birth in a hospital and at home, both of these options were my choice. I'm currently watching 'Chilbirth All or Nothing' and I'll be truthful, I've shouted at the TV a couple of times, I've scoffed, I've said bleurgh a few times and I've nodded in agreement too. But suddenly I've thought about how lucky we are to have these choices, wether you choose to birth unnassisted by any medical professionals, wether you want to give birth at home Or in hospital, with drugs or an elective cesarean whatever you choose we should all be thankful that it is a choice we can make. Imagine living in a country where your choice of birth is dependant upon your location in relation to the hospital, your bank balance or your religion?

There are women for whom these things make a difference who don't have a choice and must give birth in unsuitable places without assistance without support and without help if anything goes wrong. Women who still die in childbirth unnecessarily babies who don't make it who's mums had no choices.

I'm grateful that I got the choice to say 'no I don't want hospital I want to go home and I don't wish to let you induce me.' I will be grateful forever that my birthing choices were respected by my NHS Team and that they were supportive and respectful of those choices.



Adventures Of A Monkeyfooted Mummy


Saturday 21 February 2015

Simple Breakfast Casserole Recipe

I love a One Pot recipe, less clean up and less effort what's not to love? I love a nice breakfast too so this recipe scores high in my lazy points! I've seen lots of people make slow cooker breakfasts, or one pan breakfasts but I wanted something very Slimming World and Syn Free and this is what I came up with

  • 1 can chopped tomatoes
  • 3 frozen Quorn sausages
  • 2 eggs
  • Basil (I use dried)
  • Fry light


  • Spray a medium saucepan with fry light
  • Pour in tomatoes and sausages and boil
  • When the sausages have softened enough chop into pieces about an inch wide
  • Keep boiling until the tomatoes start to thicken
  • Make two wells in the mixture and crack and egg in each
  • Cover pan and simmer for about 7-10 minutes until the egg white is properly poached this should leave the told perfectly soft and slightly runny
  • Serve (Sadly there seems no way to get the casserole from pan to plate in a beautiful presentation but I swear the taste more than makes up for it

This fed two of us as its really filling,

I'm going to try this with some bacon and mushrooms in for the husband I'll just fry the bacon and mushrooms before addis the toms and sausages.


#Mummymakeover Week 6 Weigh In

Oh my giddy aunt!


I had a feeling I had lost well this week because due to a nasty bout of tonsillitis I've been living on frozen berries and yoghurt, vegetable soup and soft veg! All free and most Speed foods!


But you could have knocked me over with a feather at this weeks Slimming World Class when I saw that I had lost 5.5lb this week!

Typically this was the first week I've not stayed to class (because of the whole Monkeyfeet team being struck with lurgy) so I said I would collect my STONE AWARD next week! Yes that's right I've lost a nice neat stone in 6 weeks and yes there was actually a happy dance when I leapt off the scales!


I also got the fab news via our lovely class facebook page that I was SLIMMER OF THE WEEK! Eeh I'm sorry for all the capitals but I'm so excited I could scream.

So I'm heading into week 7 with some nerves that returning to normal eating after a week of only soft food may have a negative effect but I'm trying to squash those thoughts and concentrate on my Speed food and staying focused.

See you next week





Thursday 19 February 2015

My Thankful Thursday

I feel Iike I may be repeating myself here but this week I have a simple thankyou...

After a good few weeks of poorliness I'm saying THANKYOU NHS for providing medicine and doctors and open access to services, for having staff who care and are helpful and for being open and free  to all (even those who don't show their appreciation). THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU 

Wednesday 18 February 2015

#Mummymakeover Week 5 Weigh In

A rather late update but I'm afraid Monkeyfeet HQ have been hit by the dreaded Man Flu and alas it's been all about survival! So last week, my fifth weigh in at Slimming World. I'd secretly hoped for a good 3.5lb loss which would bring me back on track for a 2lb a week average. Food wise I've happily had simple speed food dishes while the husband has been away to Germany but I knew that 3.5 was a big ask, even when I lost 3 1/2 stone I never lost more than 2 or 3 lb a week but as you know I believe firmly in the destinatation not the journey as far as weightloss is concerned.

But I'm super pleased to say whilst im not quite back on a 2lb week average I did lose 2lb this week and I did get this......

Yep, no video I'm afraid as absolutely no one needs to hear my snotty croaky voice or see my man-flu face but I'm over the moon to have this little beauty and be 8.5lb lighter! I shall see you all next week.


Thankful Thursday 19 February

A lovely lot of links last week with some new faces and lots of regulars, I really really love reading all of your posts and I'm thankful for every single one of you!

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.

If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Half Term Frugal Fun

This half term we are trying not to spend money! Well to spend as little as possible. As hard as it sounds it is possible for us so this is our plan


Life Sience Centre

We are very lucky to have annual passes for Life so we are packing a lunch (they have dedicated packed lunch areas) and heading of for a day of free fun and this half term it's Frozen Themed Fun!

Bill Quay Farm

We love coming here it's a lovely way to spend a couple of hours and it's free entry, although I would urge everyone to donate whatever they can to help keep the farm open. This half term they are running craft activities which are only £3.50 and loads of fun. But even if you don't do any crafting I promise you will enjoy a mooch around the farm then a play in the park just along the path. 

Rock Pooling

You can't be far from a bit of beatiful Coast in the NorthEast so this is a really easy but mega fun day out, we will be heading off to our local beach to discover the joys that are hiding in the rock pools, and let me ease your doubts, we've found star fish, hermit crabs and fish before without looking too hard at all! All you need is a packed lunch a magnifying glass and a spare Tupperware tub to keep and inspect your discoveries. But remember the best rule to follow when undertaking nature discoveries .... take only memories and leave only footprints 


Scavenger Hunt

The big two have decided we are having an indoor adventure this week which will end in toasting marshmallows on a 'fire' so we need wood to 'burn' and some props to set the scene. So we are off with our swag bags to find fallen sticks and leaves and seeds and acorns. Then home to make some paper flames for the fire (fake obviously) and we will build our indoor outdoor scene. I don't think sleep will factor highly in this camp out but that could be the cynic in me 


In the House Day

Outdoor fun is brilliant but I know my kids really appreciate the luxury of a day indoors, so pj's all day, some Lego play (I wonder if anyone has ever studied the distances travelled by rogue dropped Lego pieces) some craft and creation, a tea party with mini food and peanuts tea set and then some easy baking which leads just perfectly to snuggle time with popcorn, a movie and the results of our baking endeavours.


Scooting and Geocaching

We are so fortunate to live in the heart of lots of green space and coastline so a day out with no purpose always works well for us. Lunches packed, helmets on and scooters at the ready I normally let the kids choose which way to go as you can't really go far wrong and with Geocache on my mobile we can always discover some hidden 'treasure' keeping the kids occupied and focused no matter where we end up. There may even be a sneaky couple of quid for an ice cream treat! If you've not tried geocahing before I will apologise now as it can get a bit addictive! 



Friday 13 February 2015

#Mummymakeover - The Final Countdown

This week is my last weigh in of my first six week countdown,  a countdown  is where you buy a voucher for 6 or 12 weeks at a time. Slimming World encourage this because they feel it means you've made a commitment to come to class and stick to plan. So you buy 6 weeks for the price of 5 or 12 for the price of 10 making it less expensive to attend. 

My aim was to have lost 10lb in these 5 weeks of being on plan but last weeks 'blip' may have affected that goal so I'm feeling nervous. I'm not good at not reaching my goals! 

So with only hours to go until weigh in im preparing my review of Slimming World so I can give you all the details, the highs and lows and my honest opinion of the plan, the groups and the food......

See you 'lighter' hopefully 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Thankful Thursday 12 February

Well now I'd like to say a big SORRY to all my linkers last week. My subscribtion to Linky Tools was paid automatically but didnt show up for Mr Linky Tools so I have been unable to acces my services until today! So I am sorry for not commenting or retweeting but I'm hoping I can see your lovely posts now its fixed! Hopefully you will all forgive me and come back again this week.....

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.

If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

The World Is Getting Smaller (But I Still Miss My Man!)

Quite often I can be heard commenting that the world is a smaller place now than when my husband and I were younger. I realise this is not actually the case, but we live in a world of cheap flights and brilliant technology so really you coud be halfway around the world but still feel like you are in the same room as someone!


This fact has made me very Thankful this week, see Spartacus has flown off to Berlin to wonder at amazing buildings and learn lots of wonderfulingenious technologies for clever buildings! All well and good but for the fact that we spend loads and loads of time together with very few nights apart and I MISS HIM SO! Dont get me wrong, Ive spent my evenings organising the house and re arranging furniture and decorating so Ive been productive without him but I really am looking forward to his return


So it was a beautiful and happy moment to use Skype for the very first time this week and have a conversation as if he was sitting right by me. He's 'even virtually' tucked the kids into bed!

So this week my Thanks are huge and aimed straight at modern technology and the wonder that is Skype!




Tuesday 10 February 2015

#FreeFoodFeb + Book Giveaway

Ive been in Slimming World 1 month and I'm 5 inches slimmer and 6.5lbs lighter! I attribute this completely to how easy Slimming World is! You don't need to faff on with loads of weighing and measuring as you just fill up on Free Foods, it totes amazebonks! To show how amazing it actually is Slimming World are celebrating #FreeFoodFebruary. This is one of the things I really love about Slimming World, as a company they are really really passionate about supporting their members, encouraging positivity and keeping members focused on Food! Yep they love talking about it, trying it , sharing it and showing it off! It really is all about the food with them!

As part of #FreeFoodFeb Slimming World have Published 'Food Glorious Food' recipe book which will go on general sale on 2nd March, but amazingly Slimming World are giving every member who buys a twelve week countdown a free copy!

This book is crammed with Free and Low Syn recipes some good old classics like Cottage Pie and Rice Pud and some dishes we hadn't tried before like London Particular Soup, Scouse and Cawl my absolute favourite though has been these Glamorgan Sausages now I'm far from vegetarian so I enjoy a 'proper' sausage (keep it clean now) but these were amazing!

All of the recipes have a bit of description to them like where they come from and they are super easy to follow, no messing around just good filling FREE (mostly) food. My copy is already looking a little grubby as it's been well thumbed and read lots, I really love it so I'm absolutely chuffed to bits to be able to offer a copy of this book as a prize, just fill in the rafflecopter below and we will draw a winner on 19 Feb so you will be able to get your hands on a copy before general release! Gosh I'm good to you lot x

You can connect with Slimming world on Twitter or Facebook



a Rafflecopter giveaway





Friday 6 February 2015

#Mummymakeover Weekly Weigh in - Week 4

Last week I was full of joy with my Slimming World Journey and I've had a fab food week since then. So I fully expected to be performing another (really bad) happy dance this week. Only I'd be doing it whilst holding aloft a shiny certificate and badge declaring I'd lost half a stone! So I positively skipped into class today .....

There you have it a right miserable week and it honestly took everything I had to not walk straight out the door of my class! I think looking at this video I actually look quite cheerful (that'll be my public face!) but I will be honest there have been tears today and it's really brought my day down, which is silly given that the world is full of real problems and not losing a silly half a pound is nothing in comparison but I'm bad tempered and frustrated!




Thursday 5 February 2015

Sizzlin Spicy Wedges

I I love potato wedges especially spicy ones, but shop bought are full of Syn's in Slimming World and not worth the extra calories so I decided to make some of my own....


You'll Need

  • Potatoes cut into wedges
  • Dessert spoon of chilli flakes
  • Dessert spoon of garlic salt
  • Dessert spoon of balsamic vinegar
  • 125 mls water
  1. In a bowl mix the water, vinegar and spices together
  2. Add the potatoes and mix well to ensure they are all coated in the dressing
  3. Leave to marinade for around 30minutes stirring occasionally
  4. Heat the oven to180 degrees
  5. Spray a tray with fry light and put the potatoes pouring the marinade over the top
  6. Roast for 1 hour shaking the tray s couple of times to ensure the potatoes are evenly coated
  7. Ensure the potatoes are cooked through and serve. These are delicious with Cha Cha Chilli Chicken and Rice ...



Thankful Thursday - 5 February

Oh my what a fab week last week, more link ups than the week before and such lovely posts too. I enjoyed reading every single one but reading this post from Colette (We're Going on an Adventure) made me teary eyed, sentimental and boody, so she gets a special mention this week!

OK then I shall let you get on with linking up and I look forward to reading all your lovely stories.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.

If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Reasons To Be Cheerful - My Thankful Thursday Post

So many things to smile about this week ...

  • Lighter Mornings
  • Longer Days
  • Baking biscuits
  • A lovely meet up with a work mate from my theatre days and her gorgeous offspring
  • Losing more weight
  • Fab work opportunities
  • A new paella pan
  • Home made rice pudding

  • Belly biting (not really) my termite and making her giggle so hard
  • Wearing earmuffs indoors because it's hilarious when you are 1!
  • Talking about prayers with my Golden Child
  • Planning holidays
  • Upcoming meetings up with my besties
  • Peanut, Termite and I having an unplanned duvet day with lots of snuggles and play
  • Homemade Tandoori Chicken Kebabs that taste better than takeaway
  • Receiving a new recipe book to review
  • Watching the kids learn to swim
  • Dinner with just the husband
  • Catching up with an old friend
  • Juicy Oranges
  • Our North East Network of Brilliant Bloggers is growing daily and creating new opportunities for a lovely bunch of bloggers
  • Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy




Tuesday 3 February 2015

Review and Giveaway - Over the Hills and Far Away

We were very fortunate to be asked to review Over The Hills and Far Away a beautiful illustrated treasury of rhymes from Around the world.

The book contains 150 rhymes illustrated by 76 different artists there are some familiar favourites like Twinkle Twinkle, The Grand Old Duke and But some beautiful new ones for us too, our favourites include Through The Jungle The Elephant Goes, Puss Came Dancing Out of a Barn and Tom He Was A Pipers Son.

With a rrp of £14.99 we think this book offers great value for money, it's gorgeous to look at, is a hard back and is big too. It has loads of Rhymes and with such a selection that are joyous to read it really is going to last years and years. All proceeds from the sales of this exclusive edition of Over the Hills and Far Away will be donated to Seven Stories and the money is used to save, celebrate and share the wonderful world of children’s books.

Now those lovely folks at Seven Stories have offered us a copy to give away all you need to do is fill out the rafflecopter below and we shall draw a winner from the correct entries!


You can connect with Seven a Stories on Twitter or Facebook


a Rafflecopter giveaway