Friday 14 August 2015

Woodland Trust #NatureDetectives

This summer we've been working with the woodland trust and we've really enjoyed being #NatureDetectives obviously summer is a lush time to be outdoors but as we are rapidly heading into Autumn I'm excited for all the great things we are going to discover in the many Woodland Trust Sites nearby, you can find your nearest here.


In our membership pack we got a leaf identifier, and a make your own'leaf idial' which the kids have had no end of fun with, I mean honestly as an adult you wouldn't think of tree identification as a big deal but my oh my, Monkeyfeet HQ has become a veritable bureau of investigation. There was also a guide to Woodland Trust sites, with a great activity card containing activities geared at different age groups so mini beast hide and seek for ages 6+ (although we all like a bit of a bug hunt!) , finger paint a tree for under 2s and 'free your feet' a guide to barefoot discovery which floats my hippy boat no end!

We also received a certificate to say there is now a tree dedicated in our names at out local Woodland Trust Site.


The kids each got a fab pack with passports and stickers a bookmark and an activity book, there's lots of ideas of things to do in the book and even more on the website.


We got started straight away crafting some outdoor creations....


Which of course meant a sticker in our passports!!


You can watch our #NatureDetective video below to see how we got on with our tree investigations..







We are working in conjunction with the WoodlandTrust


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