Sunday 23 August 2015


It seems strange to say my home is suffering from emptiness when we are on summer break, all of us in the house 7 days a week but whilst attempting to tidy up yesterday it hit me that my house is full of emptiness...


The freezer and food cupboards are emptier than ever because, well 5 people eat a lot of food and who has time for shopping when there's fun to be had


The toy cupboards are empty because most of the toys are spread over various floors and surfaces, games strewn across the table and jigsaws in any spare space!


Our wardrobes and drawes look much more empty because mummy is behind on the washing, it's so easy to forget it when it's hidden in a cupboard and there's fun things planned!


Mummy and Daddy's office is empty because , did I mention already, there's fun to be had

And finally my bank account is made up of 4 big fat zeros, taking time off when you are self employed means no income.


But what hit me most is that in a few days my house WILL be empty ! Like empty empty! My man will be back at work and uni, the big kids will be back at school and Termite will be at pre school 6 hours a week. I feel lonely already, I feel like I'm being dragged kicking and screaming towards school, with the overwhelming grief that I need more time! Just a bit longer before they are all busy again, a need to press pause and grab my family and bask in the lushness of being together for bit longer.


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