Wednesday 27 May 2015

DFDS 20th Anniversary Day Cruise

There are some opportunities that it would be impossible to refuse... 'would you like to join us for the DFDS 20th Annivesaryday sailing?' Let me think mmmmm high tea at high noon on the high seas? Of course I flipping would. Obviously it was Afternoon tea on the remarkably calm North Sea at Midday but my version sounds more dramatic.

Sunday arrived and the husband dropped a bombshell at the last moment that with a deadline looming he just could come with us and would have to stay at home!!! Panic stations, Ive no idea where to go where to park will I manage with three kids and a pram on a ferry on my own? Eeek!

Oh my, I shouldn't have worried, the ferry terminal incase you dont know is moments away from royal quays shopping outlet, there's an abundance of parking and its really really pushchair/wheelichair friendly.


So far so good, weve made it, we have our boarding cards we have plenty of time to mooch about looking at the cool boat models, ask random questions to the friendly an patient DFDS staff. Now we just need to make it through security and onto a ferry, me and 3 kids and a pushchair. Easy peasy the whol walk way connects to the ship and once on board we were directed to the lifts, there are only two lifts and both rather small and as there were lots of families aboard there was a bit of a wait but we finally made our way to guest services who have maps and information and a giant fluffy parrot to greet you!


We wanted to see everything we possibly could so it probably would have been a good idea to get a map at this point but we were too excited and just made off to discover, it was amazing to wander around the ship and make our way outside to see our home town glide past while we took in the sights and sounds. Mummy however has no sense of direction and we got lost a couple of times moving from floor to floor, next time im packing the baby carrier, life would have been way easier just going up and down the staircases!


Finally we found our pals from North East Family Fun and took the opportunity for a picture.


Then off to have afternoon tea in the Explorers restaurant, here we met more pals, from New Girl In Toon, I decided it was probably safer for them if we sat separately and given the mess my kids got into I think Chloe, and her pretty frock, may agree that I was right! Our tables had scones, jam and clotted cream and a selection of tea's already for us and there were carrot cakes, profiteroles and sandwiches(ham and Chive, cream cheese and cucumber, egg salad, and smoked salmon) along with more scones on the buffet. While we were choosing our sandwiches a pot of hot water magically appeared on our table. I loved everything about afternoon tea (although I'm not sure the scales will on Friday) But for the kids the sandwiches were a little too fussy, with chives and 'green stuff' they weren't as impressed, so if I had to suggest any improvements it would be to offer some kid friendly sarnies and maybe a wee jug of tap water or cordial would have gone down a storm.



Then there was birthday cake cutting and dancing and more cake eating and Micheal Jackson (a tribute obviously;-) ) and face painting and ballon modelleing and then suddenly it was time to go home! I feel like we blinked and it was over, the time had passed so quickly and we had done so much but I was reluctant to leave there was so much more to discover (I'll tell you all the family friendly things we didn't get around to in another post)



Thankyou DFDS for such an amazing day my kids came home ready to sleep in 'one of them cool rooms' that we had seen while Mammy got lost! With cruises starting from £39 per person I'm hoping we can make their wishes come true really soon.

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  1. i wish i had made this event you all look like you have had a fabulous time

  2. It was such a fabulous trip wasn't it - I think you managed really well with the buggy. If you were going to travel to Amsterdam the lifts are never really busy apart from departing and arriving. xxx

    1. That's exactly what I meant to say in the blog Sam, I doubt too that there would be as many prams all at once in a cruise!

  3. That looks like such a great experience , shame your hubby could not go with you. I have never been on the boat before and have always wondered what it was like xx

    1. I'm pleased we went it was a great day but sadly the Mr is full of busy

  4. Commenting again to say thanks for linking this fabulous post to #LoveNorthEast - I've added to our pinterest board x

  5. Looks like you had a fabulous day out. The food looks lovely as well

  6. I've really fancied doing a DFDS cruise at some point and posts like this just make me wonder why we haven't already been! Love the sound of the food- Who can say no to a good old scone?! Yum!

    Eats x

    1. Honestly my idea of an Amsterdam mini cruise has really been changed after being on board

  7. I've become a total Fan, I think day sailings are a brilliant idea for anyone unsure of what to expect!

  8. Ha! But you haven't seen the huge mess we make when eating afternoon tea. I'm sure I've dropped jam and cream on a pretty dress frequently ;)

  9. It sounds like such a fun event. I think I've missed out :)

    Cat x
