Wednesday 19 November 2014

October Degusta Box Review

This month we were asked to review Degusta Box.



If you don't already know about Degusta, they are a subscription service for food, well more specifically, new to the market food. You pay £12.99 a month and every month you recieve a box with between 9 -14 item in it with a much higher value than you have paid. They then ask for you to give feed back which goes back to the companies featured in the boxes.

Our box arrived on Bonfire Night and as you can see we had eager little hands trying to find out what goodies were inside.

 So in our box this month...

  • BriochePasquier Pan au Lait with Chocolate Chips (£1.60) -I'd like to tell you first han d that these were lovely but honestly I barely got a sniff! We are big Pan au Chocolat fans here and the kids , and husband wolfed these down so I managed a bite of Termites and it was delicious.
  • Brioche Pasquier Sliced brioche Loaf (£1.69)- This I can take full responsibility for reviewing, but in turn must blame them wholeheartedly for not doing so well on my diet! This is soft squishy brioche bread with chocolate chips in. Its so lovely just cold as it is, but toasted lightly OH MY DAYS. I have found a new addiction. The chips melt just so and the bread is warm and comforting truly a lovely lovely treat.
  • Dr Oetker Premium 90% Extra Dark Chocolate (£2.49). I will be truthful, I'm not in a baking place at the moment as my pantry is still packed into boxes after the awful flood damage we suffered so we havent used this yet but I have it earmarked for a lovely tiffin recipe.
  • Dr Oetker Fine Dark Cocoa Powder (£1.89) - This again hasnt been used but I did open it to have a sniff, I'm rather particular about the cocoa I use and I like a good strong powder and this smells deliciously strong and decadent
  • Bear Paws (55p)- These are a big favourite in Monkeyfeet HQ they are like little sugar free jellies and the kids love them.
  • Enhance Drinks (£2.49) - I have mixed feelings on this one, firstly for us its quite expensive for juice. I like that its suggar free and I LOVE that the packaging is so small but I wasnt too keen on the flavour, we got orange and passion fruit, , I would give one of the other flavours a try as the idea of such tiny packaging really appeals.
  • Solo Toasted Marshmallow Creme (£1.99) - Oh so loveely a pot of gooey gloopy marshmallow stuff! Totally not one I would let the kids free on as its is so naughtily good, but a really lovey quick sweet fix, dolloped on biscuits or used for a breadstick dunk, or just ate with a spoon!
  • Special K Cracker Crisps (£1.29) These are like a nicer rice cracker, not quite as hard in texture and so full of flavour these were a favourite with all of us, and they will be on our shiopping list again.
  • Get Buzzing (£1.30) - Totally delicious and filling and full of goodnes, but would I normally choose to pay this price for a snack bar? Im not sure I would, Im pleased I tried it and if ever we came across a special offer I would definately buy them but sadly not at this price.
  • Blue Dragon Sweet Chilli Sauce ( 2 x £1.39) I love sweet chilli sauce so these were a welcome (athoughnot exactly new to market) addition to the box.
  • Kents Kitchen (£2.50) - These clever little pots come with all the flavouring you need to create a tasty dish, add the oil to a pan then whatever ingredients you want and the spices and paste and et voila a meal in minutes! We recieved theJal Frezi kit which is Spartacus' favourite curry and he said 'that was alright' which beleive me is high recomendation from him

Would I subscribe? I think I would like to give this another few months try, this months box had some lovely items in it many that I wouldnt have bought for myself so I guess the principle behind the boxes has been successful with me. I'm not sure I would have bought or will buy some of the items, but as someone who doesnt frequent supermarkets and sticks to the same shopping list for my online ordering, then its nice to have new products brought to me.

You can connect with degusta box Online, on Facebook or Twitter


    1 comment:

    1. We've been reviewing these Boxes for a few months now and I love them, have found some fab products x
