Thursday 27 November 2014

Thankful Thursday - 27 November

Can you believe it's almost December? Almost the very end of the year. I've loved hosting this linky this year and I'm grateful to my regular linkers for always providing a reason to smile.

A very special Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers especially the Lovely Beckey x

Please keep spreading the word so we can grow grow grow the linky. I can't wait to catch up with you all again this week, if you are just new here then the info below might help.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.

If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy


1 comment:

  1. It's crazy that it's so nearly December! Thank you for hosting #thankfulthursday and lovely to link up with you x
