Friday 21 November 2014

Mini Scientist Mission 2 - Termite's Tale



So this week mummy took me out on a metro train....

We went to Life Science Centre for their Pre-School Day. Now if mummy was writing this she would tell you that for this one day Life turn the attraction over to little people, there's no older school groups, there are places to park your pram (and let me tell you my mummy is particular about her prams, she won't just leave ours anywhere!) she would tell you there's extra baby changing facilities and ramps or lifts to make every area accessible if you have wheels, there's staff on hand all over and the cafe is full of yummy food and the staff will even help you carry your tray if you need it.
But Mummys not writing this, I am , so let me tell you the really good stuff. We arrived and went into this HUUUGE building and there were loads of noises and lights and people so I was very keen to get discovering.
As well as all the normal exhibits, which are brilliant fun anyway, there are loads of extra things to play on like building blocks, and a water play area, where I wore a lovely apron to keep me dry.


There's lots to touch and feel, you can even dig for bones like an archeologist (mummy told me that word, it means someone who digs up old stuff!) after I played at being an archeologist we went down in a lift and there were two people with creatures, real live creatures that you can touch! I LOVED THIS BIT! We saw stick insects and they looked like brilliant fun but mummy wasn't so keen on me holding one, I've no idea why?
Then upstairs there was so much to do and see that I practically forgot mummy was even with me. Upstairs is normally a great place to discover anyway, with a role play area filled with a recycling plant, kitchens, a supermarket a tree house and a garden not to mention craft areas, soft play and lego that my big brother and sister love. But on pre school day they also add lots of extras like science demonstrations , I saw a girl make her hair stand on end with a BALLOON! There was also A bubble disco (oh soooo much fun) and a den building area, I played for ages up there it was amazing.
Now the bits we missed! Piccolo Music run sessions through the day but they are so popular that you have to book in early and mummy missed out, she blames the builders being late which meant we didn't arrive until 11, I've made it clear we are to be there early next time! We also missed the kids movie in the planetarium as the 11.45 show was full and I sadly fell asleep before the 12.45 show! But we hear this brilliant show lasts 10mins and is a gentle introduction to the planetarium for little ones about a little bear who goes out of her cave alone for the first time at night. She looks for animals in the night sky and wonders if she can find herself up there. It’s really cute and is all written and in rhyme so brilliant for little people like me.
I also fell asleep before mummy could take me On the ice rink. See she gets special shoes so she can walk along helping me on the ice, and they also have helmets and special double blade skates for little ones like me (under 3yrs) so it's easier to stay upright.

Now a word from Mummy ...
We've had such a brilliant day and we are grateful to have been invited along to try out the pre school day. Here are my pointers for a smooth and efficient day
  • Arrive as early as possible so you can book in for Piccolo and also to avoid clashing with nap time like we did.
  • Queue a little way in advance for the planetarium show as it's really popular.
  • Pack a drink, there'll be lots of running and playing and leaving to get a drink will just cause crossness
  • Bring a change of clothes, water play can get 'enthusiastic'! My apologies to the mum who was watered like a plant by my little termite (blushing at the memory)
  • There's a packed lunch area so if you are bringing your own there's space for you, although I will say the cafe was nice and has plenty of choice.
  • Hire a locker, it's so much more relaxed if you can secure your valuables instead of trudging your bag around whilst crawling under a den chasing a toddler!
  • Plan a whole day, the centre has lots to offer and even if you do something else while your little person naps, like have a coffee (I took advantage of Termite sleeping to see Body Worlds Vital which was just amazing) I promise there's so much to do no one will get bored!




  1. Looks like a great day and some good tips #triedandtested

  2. Sounds like a great day out!

  3. We used to love these pre-school days and were regular attenders. Unfortunately my youngest is now in nursery until 12noon and by the time we got there and got back for the older children finishing school it just wouldn't be worth the journey :-( It is such a good value day out - especially as the admission fee is significantly reduced. Glad you had a fun day and thanks for linking #LoveNorthEast

  4. We were here last week just for a visit. My little man loved the soft play upstairs. It was a good afternoon but I do think it's quite expensive


  5. Such a cute post! I took my Godson here last year and he loved it, it's a fun place for grown ups too! :)
