Thursday 6 November 2014

Silver Linings

In the midst of poorliness, build problems and the return to school (which makes me sad) I struggled to find something to say this week. It goes without saying I'm grateful for my family and friends, Infact I count my blessings everyday, but you've heard that before. So instead I'm going to give thanks this week for blogging.


When I started this blog my intention was to move into a baby related website full of information and advice, I never imagined the work that goes into building a blog and the time it takes to build an audience but the opportunities I have been afforded because of it are unreal! Events and review opportunities, not to mention getting paid (sometimes) to write, which I love. So to all the PRs, Brands and Companies I have had the opportunity to work with... This one is for you I'm very very grateful.

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy



  1. I'm thankful for blogging too - it's been a great way of recording some of the moments with my children that I may not have thought to do otherwise. Glad it has also given you opportunities you wouldn't have had otherwise too - there are so many nice things about the blog world. Thank you to for hosting #thankfulthursdays - being thankful for things is such a positive thing to reflect on. Sorry to hear that you've had a week of poorliness and hope everyone is better soon x

  2. Blogging has been nothing but positive although i might have less sleep i enjoy writing so much and i made so many new friends through blogging which is brilliant! xx
