Thursday 13 November 2014

Cycling Safely at This Time of Year

I love a bit of a cycle and this year I was the very lucky recipient of a beautiful 'proper' ladies bike. Yep my lovely husband bought me a gorgeous shopper fully loaded with a basket and seat for either Termite or The Golden Child, depending on where we are going.

Sadly whilst pimping my new ride with a Wonder Woman Bell, a Basket liner and a lovely Seat liner for Termite I seem to have overlooked the important stuff. You know like lights, appropriate clothing and equipment. So it came as a bit of a shock when I nipped out to collect The Golden Child from his post school activity, only to realise the darkness had crept in super fast and I had no lights, no hi vis clothing and no reflectors. Needless to say we walked home!

I was therefore really eager to get on board with LV's Cycle Safety Awareness Campaign, they have loads of super tips and great advice about getting out and about on two wheels during the dark, cold and sometimes downright unpleasant winter.

Like for instance did you know that the best way to light your bike is with both a flashing and constant light? The flashing lights increases your visibility to other road users and the constant light lets drivers jusdge your distance and speed more accurately. I didn't, but its really hand info.

I've also now packed myself a cycle repair kit , just incase, this is tucked up with my first aid kit which I always carry when I'm out and about on my bike. And I'm saving my pennies for some proper cycling clothes for me and the kids with big bright reflective areas on them so that we can be seen for miles!

If you like to get around on your bike don't let the bad weather and dark nights put you off, check out this brilliant information and just ensure you are well prepared, properly equipped and have planned for your journey.


This is a collaborative post


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