Tuesday 21 October 2014

Monkeyfooted Mummy's Travel Tips

It's no secret we are big holiday lovers here at Monkeyfeet HQ and we often get asked for travel advice and tips from our friends. I love talking about holidays, bookings them, planning them talking about good things to pack and tips for an easier flight, so when the lovely folks at Purple Parking asked if I would share some of my tips with them I was more than happy to oblige.

So here goes, one of the big things to remember is you can not prepare TOO MUCH! The more you plan and prepare before a holiday the smother everything goes for you. Starting at the very beginning then...

Ask for recommendation's
Talk to friends, look around the Internet for information and read up on your possible destinations

Be Specific
We like to book through a travel agent as I prefer the personal service, Ive also been a travel agent so I know some tricks of the trade. If you are booking with an agent don't be afraid to be specific about your needs. The more information you give the easier it is to find the right holiday. so think about your destination, where you will consider flying from, do you want to be tucked in a nice little village or a bustling town, how important are the kids facilities, what about air con and wifi? These are all key selectors in finding whats best for YOU

Plan Your Packing
Think about what you need, what you want and whether it will all fit in your case! Make sure you have some luggage scales so you don't get hit with over limit charges.
I like to make a  list (don't give me that look, I did say you can't plan TOO MUCH EVER!) of what I need to pack I also tuck this in with our passports that way if any luggage goes missing I know exactly what was in it. Also, and this is such a simple one, put your name house number and postcode on a piece of paper inside your suitcase. If it goes missing and tags come off you will still be reunited

Plan Your journey

We hate spending unnecessary time meandering at the airport so we always book Parking and Lounges

The meet and greet service at our airport has always been truly fab, such a time saver and with three young children it really takes the stress out of finding a space transporting luggage and getting on and off shuttle buses. 

We've never really considered using the lounge until I booked it by mistake once ( please don't ever tell my husband I admitted fault!) and it has changed the way we travel. Its a nice quiet space where everyone can relax and have a drink and a snack, and wait for departure. Plus a real bonus for any parents of young children...containment. Peace and tranquility in an enclosed space so no one one can leg it across duty free trailing a trunki induced path of devastation in their wake ( I have seen it happen, the poor Dior lady was devastated!)

Plan For The Flight

We have a tried and tested list of things to pack in hand luggage, Clothes (for the kids and parents!), Calpol, Snacks, Drinks, Karvol (miracle ear popping cure), stickers, crayons, notebook, reading book innotabs loaded with movies, magazines blanket and cushion. This list has served us perfectly  for about 30 flights.

Last but not least I NEVER EVER travel without a bath mat and tea making supplies! Hotel baths can be terribly slippy and a cheap bath mat just ensures little people are that bit safer, and the tea, well I'm a very British tea drinker I was devastated ( slight over dramatisation and a very first world issue I know) to discover our last hotel didn't provide in-room tea facilities and I hadn't packed any!

Whats on your top tips list for holiday prep?


  1. Some great travelling tips, I only have to worry about myself I can not imagine what it is like to prepare and travel with little ones. Others than Planning is the key word!

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  2. Oh wow. Bath mat. What a great idea. I spent bath time of our last holiday clinging on to the toddler in the bath! Totally agree about clothes for parents as well as kids in hand luggage. learnt that one on a flight to Mauritus last year. I ponged by the time I got there of sick, dribble and old food!
