Wednesday 1 October 2014

Sweet Pea Pantry Review and Giveaway

We love to bake so I was thrilled when the lovely people at Sweetpea Pantry got in touch to see if we would like to review for them. One look at thier website an I knew I was done for! There are so many gorgeous kits I just couldn't decide so I asked for a surprise. We got our beautiful package containing a Playful Pizza Dough Kit and a Ginger Giggles kit. Now as you know we've been struck by disaster and sadly the kitchen has seen the worst of that so we weren't able to get stuck in right away.  But my oh my it was worth the wait.

What They Say

Two ambitious, hardworking, fun loving career girls, on a mission to eat and drink their way around the world in the bars and restaurants of Sydney, New York and London. Suddenly, brakes, big brakes. (That would be the children - one for Philippa, three for Tanya).

As food obsessed parents, we couldn't find any great baking mixes on the shelves that we felt comfortable feeding our children. We both loved to bake but didn't always have the time, energy or range of ingredients. So with a flash of inspiration, we decided to put our time and energy into making sure all busy parents had access to great tasting, easy options for baking with or for their kids. Mixes that weren't defined by sugar, that had fibre, nutrients, texture and flavour.
Having known each other since we were 5 years old making mud pies in the backyard, the recipes bit was easy, and we had lots of willing participants to trial all the products. With a little bit of support from some amazing mentors in the industry and a lot of research, Sweetpea Pantry was launched with five products and a lot more in the works.

Mother of three girls, ex-luxury hotel sales, keeper of lists, perfectionist, food designer, busiest calendar ever!

Lover of sleep, good food obsessed, bossy, ex-wino marketeer, dreams of sunshine and passionfruit cocktails.

What We Say 
I really liked the feel of this company, they are friendly and passionate and really beleive (rightly so) in thier product.

The packaging is beautiful and the kids were immediately keen to get stuck in, In fact they had to wait as our goodies arrived right before holiday, then we returned to disaster  so it was a wee while before we got into the kitchen. Let me tell you though, the kids were asking to make the Ginger Giggles EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love how there's lots of extra goodness in the mix like whole grains , rye and barley.

So after much anticipation we set off with the mixing bowls and ingredients.

The instructions are clear and easy to follow you just add a couple of basic ingredients and mix and the biscuits turned out really well. All three kids enjoyed baking these and we all enjoyed eating them. 

I'm normally not a great biscuit maker, cakes I rock at but biscuits are never quite how they should be. I was however pleasantly surprised they came out just delicious. They are Just the right balance of chewy and crunchy and had a really lovely texture which i think i can attributed to the rye and barley. They certainly were a huge improvement on my boring and a bit rubbish ginger bread men! The kits are priced at £5.95 each but they make a massive amount of biscuits, 3 baking trays full, so they are good value for money and if you get 

I love that there has been thought put into every ingredient, a nutritionalist has helped figure our loads of great stuff to add which have brilliant benefits and really make these a more wholesome snack, plus you wouldnt neccessarily have these ingredients in your cupboard or think of adding them to biscuits.

I can't wait to get stuck into the pizza dough and I'm excited to get my hands on one of these beautiful gift sets for Peanut's birthday in december, I think she will love it.

<!-- 012 --> The Ultimate Baking Gift set (free shipping)

And because those lovely ladies at Sweetpea are indeed very lovely, they have offered us a 3 month subscription to give away, you know the drill, fill in the rafflecopter and we will pick a winner from the correct entries.GOOD LUCK

Dont forget to show some love over on Twitter and Facebook and why not have a mooch around their  website to look at all the other lovely mixes you can get. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love baking bread and rolls :) thank you for the giveaway x

  2. My Favourite thing to bake is cupcakes

  3. healthy oat and coconut bars

  4. Anything, baking is my stress relief.

  5. cakes and cupcakes and I enjoy decorating them the most!

  6. Cupcakes with my little girl.

  7. apple and blackberry crumble

  8. Victoria Sponge as I love them with loads of butter cream and raspberry jam

  9. I've got into cake decorating recently but I'd love to spend more time trying out different cake flavours. I love making banana loaf but made my first carrot cake a month or so ago. We'll be making some gingerbread halloween biscuits this month! xx

  10. Oh also have started making my own strudels :) Lovely! x

  11. Lovely review. I also find my biscuits never come out just how I want them. These quits sound wonderful xx

  12. Choc chip muffins because my children love them xx

  13. I love to bake chocolate chip cookies

  14. Mini Victoria sponges, with fresh dairy cream and strawberry jam ~


  16. We love to make all sorts - cupcakes always go down well though. Love the look of Sweetpea Pantry, thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  17. Anything that works! Which due to my sadly lacking baking skills isn't much!
    White Chocolate Chip Cookies are what I mainly attempt as I have a really awful sweet tooth!

  18. I like to make soup. I love making cupcakes with the kiddies. x

  19. Lemon couscous cake!

  20. i like to try different sponge cakes, the lemon & courgette one i just made is scrummy

  21. victoria sponges with jam and cream

  22. cakes, especially chocolate fudge or lemon drizzle

  23. I like baking biscuits and cookies - so quick and easy :)

  24. Cakes in general but specifically different flavoured cupcakes, such as coconut and lime, chocolate orange, raspberry and white chocolate etc etc

  25. Muffins and at the moment slimming world friendly baked cheesecakes

  26. chocolate brownies, gooey and yummy

  27. Birthday cakes for my granddaughters

  28. We love making banana and sultana flapjacks :D

  29. I like to bake cookies - especially double chocolate chip ones!

  30. These look great, I do love the packaging :) #triedtested
