Thursday 30 October 2014

We All Need A Little Help Sometimes

A friend of mine fell over years ago and broke her thumb, she fell over a loose kerb stone that had been earmarked by the council for replacement. Her thumb never quite healed correctly and she still suffers now. Sadly my friends story is not unusual many people find themselves injured in accidents that they weren't responsible for, and lots will suffer the side effects of these injuries silently bearing the cost of lost work days and medical costs themselves. But this hardly seems fair.

If my friend had known about companies like Leo Claims who specialise in dealing with personal injury claims, like arm injury claims, back injury claims, whiplash claims and many more. Then she may have been able to claim something to ease financial worries

Claiming compensation for her injury won't make my injury any better but it means she can seek help to start her recovery journey through private practitioners, or ease the financial burden of time away from work. And in the case of my friend, our council knew the kerb had already caused injury to others but had left it unaltered for weeks! Thankfully her accident wasn't a lot worse, imagine if it had been an elderly person and they'd suffered worse breakages.

I hope that my friend and others like her get the help they need to start a better recovery.





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