Friday 24 October 2014

#Mummymakeover Week 3

13-18 October

I can't even believe I'm writing this ... I've messed up 2 weeks of good work with a week of RUBBISH. I've ate pan au chocolat, jelly's, croissants, takeaway and even toast with chocolate spread!

Honestly I couldn't even tell you why! I hate the week leading up to that time of the month because my brain tells me I NEED to eat carbs and sugar and fat! I know that I don't and it does me no good, infact I feel sluggish and lardy and bloated so I just feel worse than ever!

I'm such a comfort eater I wish I wasn't but I really feel like I have no control sometimes! Next week NEEDS TO BE BETTER ! I must go running and I must cycle at least once 

I have managed a lovely cycle along the coast though which cleared out the cobwebs! So let's hope for a better week next week and a positive weigh in ... 


  1. I know how you feel, but whenever I have a day, week or month of eating rubbish, just wipe the slate clean and start again x

  2. Nothing better than some fresh air to get your mind back on focus. A few more bike rides will soon undo those extra treats.

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  3. I've done this lots of times, don't be hard on yourself, you just have to jump back on the wagon!!

  4. You're doing better than me! When I slip I find it so hard but looks like you have the right frame of mind x

  5. Don't be hard on yourself in do exactly the same
