Wednesday 10 June 2015

Are Your Feet Flip Flop Ready ?

The sun has arrived! Well it's peeping through the clouds where I live but I hear some lucky folks are getting lots!

So we see the arrival of half naked feet in pretty sandals and flip flops, but are your feet flip flop ready? If they've been hidden away in boots and shoes all winter you may need a little TLC. Here's our guide to fantastic flip flop ready feet.

Exfoliate regularly, any exfoliator will do but you can even do this on the beach, just rub some sand in a circular motion all over the base of your feet while soaking up the sun.

Keep toenails trim and neat, no one wants to see bird claws creeping over your sandals!

Moisturise well, every night if you can remember. Your feet will thank you for it. We use this Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream its lush I pop some on under my moisturising socks and leave them as lock as possible over night. So soft and smooth come morning.

I like having my toenails painted in the summer but it's not necessary.

I also love 'party feet' for rare nights out. They are so kind to the balls of my poor unaccustomed to heels feet. That even after a night in heels I no longer feel bruised!

And et voila happy feet indeed!



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