Saturday 6 June 2015

Save the Children #DenDay

This year we took part in #DenDay which aims to highlight the issues faced by children around the world who don’t have a safe place to sleep or play. In 2014, Save the Children responded to 84 emergencies in 47 countries – delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, education and shelter to over 5 million people. The money raised by Den Day could help provide the vital aid children and their families need next time a devastating emergency hits.

We had lots of fun building our den and chatting about why we we're doing it, when I explained to The Golden Boy that Mummy writing about this would help boys and girls around the world who dont have homes, he responded with 'but how will we get our den around the world?'. He is such a sweet boy, always thinking of ways to help.

Let me tell you though that its much easier to help children who are suffering, really no need to send a den around the world! You can simply do what we did...


Build a den, snuggle up inside and have a chat about the wondeerful work Save The Children do, you could even spend the night in your den (indoors or ut) and get your family to sponsor you then from the comfort of your home you can donate money here, and just think what a difference you could make

  • £5 could buy storybooks for five children who’ve had to leave their homes and become refugees in another country.
  • £20 could buy enough healthy food, like fresh meat and vegetables, for a child to eat for one month.
  • £33 could buy five sheets of tarpaulin to help provide shelter to families who have lost their homes in an emergency.
  • £95 could buy a kit to help a family living as refugees protect their shelter against the weather.



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