Friday 19 June 2015

My Thankful Thursday -Mums

I heard recently about the passing of a friends mum and the descriptions of the funny little things she misses are heartbreaking. It made me think a lot about parental relationships especially the envy (perhaps envy is not the right word) that I have for those daughters who have a close relationship with their Mums. I don't have any sort of relationship with my Mum (this is a very long and pitiful story not for sharing now) but I have grown up with brilliant inspirational caring kind and supportive Mum's in my life.

Throughout my teenage years, through falling in love, suffering loss, having babies and house moves, these women have been there to offer support and advice, inspiration and encouragement.

They've each come into my life in differing ways and played a huge part at different times, providing a place to stay, a shoulder to cry on, an ear prepared for angry shouting, holiday fun, hugs, advice, supportive and inspiring messages 'just because', a nod or smile and words of kidness.

Most all of them knew there was a gap to be filled and they all filled that gap with comfort, advice, love , laughter or a guiding hand.They'll know who they are if they are reading this (and theyd better be bloody reading it!) and I hope they know exactly how grateful I am that they've each taught me that being a Mum, for most , is not just about your own children its about being there, standing strong, crying hard (which I'm doing riight now), laughing harder and nurturing.

One of my most favourite things about motherhood, a big pile of sleepy cuddly-ness

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

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  1. Lovely post Karen. So true. Never underestimate the power of love and support - whether or not it comes from a mum, or some one elses mum. Not exactly the same but when i first lived alone at 16 my mum gave me some money to keep me in food. My boyfriend at the time spent it all on a playstation the first day when i was at work. When my friends mums heard this they ensured i was kept fed and brought me supplies to see me through. Seems like nothing I wouldnt do myself now, looking back but at the time I was overwhelmed.

  2. There is so many ideas that you should automatically give blood members some sort of they maybe blood but it is about the person. It doesn't matter if they are related or not if they can still provide the goods to say that of a mother.
    Yoiuy are lucky to have good people help in your life, i have been in the care system and seen such horrific treatment from family members that you soon realise that family is overrated #ThankfulThursday

  3. Aww what a lovely post! I find friendship bonds a lot more stronger than blood bonds these days, I can relate to this a lot.

    Beth @ Polished couture
