Sunday 28 June 2015

Koalapak Review and Giveaway

We were recently sent a Mega Pack from Koalapak to review.

Koalapak are a craft subscription service who provide educational science and craft based projects which are hands on curriculum linked activities, which have been reviewed by educational experts.
We recieved the materials to decorate a cardborad 'garden', decorate an apron, and some plant pots, a gnome to paint and the equiptment to sow some seeds (carrots and cress. Theres also an instruction leaflet with details of the curriculum points covered.

We had great fun making the garden by sticking on all the foam sticker bugs, decorating the pots and sewing the seeds, each activity gave us plenty of things to talk about and the kids all love anything thats crafty and hands on.

The apron was a big hit as a team project and we got good and messy painting with our hands.

Its been really fun watching our cress grow and i forgot actually how quick cress does grow! great for kids because really withing a day there was noticeable activity in the pots so the kids really stayed interested.We really enjoyed everything about the pack, all of the activities were fun and offered lots of educational stimulation without the kids even noticing, priced from £3.95 to £16.95 plus postage the range offers great options for all budgets and I feel like ours was great value for money. it was a good half a day of solid activity plus all the follow on activitiesMy only improvement would have been to have pictures of the finished project on the instructions. It wasnt until after we had decorated that it dawned on me the garden would have been better stood vertically than horizontally and I think kids find instruction following easier with a picture to guide them. Make no mistake though we love our garden and you can see The Golden Child talking about it here  

You can also enter our rafflecopter below to win a mega pack worth £16.95. terms and Conditions Applya Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love making collages with my girls!

  2. Jewellery making!


  3. stamp painting with potao shapes

  4. Ah these look like lots of fun - love the mini garden xx

  5. These look fab, my son loves to draw, paint and create so he'd love these.

  6. finger painting and hand a foot printing ssoo messy and ssoo much fun

  7. Lynsey Buchanan18 June 2015 at 21:19

    cutting out and making collages

  8. It looks like you had great fun! x
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

  9. Wow this looks like so much fun - we love painting and drawing here =)

  10. making cards for special occasions

  11. we love drawing, painting, cutting, gluing - anything with lots of glitter1

  12. My son is really easy to please as long as its messy hes happy!!! he loved making paper mache and then painting his creation!

  13. we love painting in our house xx

  14. Making animals with pom-poms and bendy sticks,either that or colouring in,I find that very relaxing too !

  15. The jewellery ones, grandaughter and niece both love them

  16. Jewellery Making! im a Brownie Leader, & my girls love it!

  17. My nearly 3 year old likes helping me with my cross stitch. I think I might jsut have to get her a simple kit.

  18. We love these aqua balls you soak over night the kids love squashing them between their toes! Shaving foam is a good one too! x

  19. Junk modelling with the children - let them be as creative as they want :)

  20. My son likes to bake with me and he writes stories and reads them to his dad and I.

  21. Baking cookies is always good!

  22. We love finger/hand/foot painting lately. So messy but so much fun x

  23. We like making leaf garlands in the autumn when the leaves start to fall :) we also make our own bunting - i cut out the card into triangles and then we just decorate each one before stringing them up

  24. Painting
    Jade H

  25. My daughter love any sort of colouring and painting :-)

  26. Painting and creating cards for family

  27. My little one loves cutting and sticking x

  28. My daughter loves anything crafty. She recently made a pirate ship with her Auntie x

  29. Play doh is a big hit at the moment for us

  30. We just love getting messy doing all different craft :)

  31. I'm currently trying to teach my 3 year old how to write so that's been our favourite creative task x
