Friday 16 May 2014

Wonders of Life App Review and Giveaway

We are BIG Professor Cox fans in Monkeyfeet HQ so I was really excited to be given a chance to review The Wonders Of Life App . A new app from Harper Collins, this is loaded with features, videos and information about, well Life and our World and all of its wonders.

The pictures and videos are super quality and you can zoom around the world looking at Different areas,creatures and insects, there is bucket loads of information under the headings of  North America, Australasia, Sensory, Microscopic and Elements and Processes, there are loads and loads of videos and information and the app is really easy to navigate, its sort of like going on a tour of Life with Professor Cox as your personal guide. I think this will come in really handy when The big kids are looking to research their sciences and geography at school, but for now,its just a remarkably interesting app filled with great features and  priced at £3.99 it really is bargain for the wealth of knowledge that  it comes with.

 You can follow Professor Cox on Facebook or you can read more by visiting Haper Collins

And amazingly Ive managed to get my hands on some downlad codes for for this app for five of my lovely readers. Simply fill out the rafflecopter below and winners will be drawn from all the CORRECT entries.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ooooh I would love to go to Egypt - have heard lots of good things about it! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  2. Oh I LOVE the sound of this app- my daughter would love it. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to New York so there can be no other choice for me :)
    x x

  3. My husband would love this.
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  4. i would love to go to paris :)

  5. New Zealand. You cannot go any further than that apart from into space!

  6. I would love to go to Alaska x

  7. I would love to visit the Northern Lights
    that or the moon :)

  8. I'd love to do a tour of Italy... and see all the famous landmarks, it would be utterly amazing!
