Tuesday 6 May 2014

Too Much Info

I was recently tagged  to take part in the TMI tag, thanks to Chantelle at Mama mummy Mum. EEK! Well  here goes….

1. What are you wearing?
My husbands PJ bottoms, a thermal vest and a Boden sweater

2. Ever been in love?

3. Ever had a terrible break up?
Yes, but all things make you who you are so I don't look on break ups as a bad thing (well not now with hindsight)

4. How tall are you?
5ft 6 (not quite I may be about half an inch off in that statement)

5. How much do you weigh?
1 and a Half Stone less than the day I found out I was pregnant with Termite but still about 3 stone more than I would like

6. Any tattoos?
Yes I have something similar to this low down on my tummy (put there when my tummy was flat and unstretched by huge pregnancies!)

cancer star sign image

 7. Any piercings?
1 ear piercing and I used to have my navel pierced but no longer wear a ring.

8. OTP??
I have no idea what this means

9. Favourite show?
Ooh I'm watching and loving The Following at the moment but I could watch Friends over and over.

10. Favourite bands?
Black Eyed Peas, Madonna, Jack Johnson

11. Something you miss?
My Nana

12. Favourite song?
Fly Me To The Moon

13. How old are you?
36 (sobbing into my tea)

14. Zodiac sign

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone I can rely on to be my friend, and protector and stand firm by my side.

16. Favourite quote
This too shall pass

17. Favourite actor? 
I love Patrick Stewart, obviously Kevin Bacon at the moment and Tom Hanks, all of these people could come round for tea any time they wanted!

18. Favourite colour?

19. Loud music or soft?
That would depend on my mood and situation.

20. Where do you go when you are sad?
To my husband or the Beach

21. How long does it take you to shower?
Under 5 minutes mostly

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
On a school day I can have all of us up dressed breakfasted and out the door in 45 minutes!

23. Ever been in a physical fight?

 24. Turn on?
Chemistry, someone who makes me laugh and takes control and just gets me. My Husband is this magical being!

25. Turn off?

26. The reason I started blogging?
I love talking about baby products and parenting issues, so I thought I would channel that, eventually I want to start a related retail business

27. Fears?
Losing those I love

28. Last thing that made you cry?

29. Last time you said you love someone?
I just told my eldest I love her more than chocolate, she in turn loves me more than all the piglets in the world!?!?!

30. Meaning behind your blog name?
When my eldest was a baby my husband declared she had monkeyfeet because she used to dig them into him, he also used to sing 'She's Got Monkeyfeet' to the tune of Shes So Lovely, and so I bacame the monkeyfooted mummy and these are our adventures.

31. Last book you read?
The Crab Dragon!(school reading book)

32. The book you are currently reading?
Bridget Jones, Mad About The Boy

33. Last show you watched?
The Following

34. Last person you talked to?
My Husband

35. The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
My Best friend

36. Favourite food?
Mexican food and Chocolate

37. Place you want to visit?
America, The Maldives, and South Africa again

38. Last place you were?
A photo shop getting Peanuts passport photo

39. Do you have a crush?
James Bond (yeas I know he is not real).

40. Last time you kissed someone?
I just kissed all my children about 2 hours ago

41. The last time you were insulted?
Someone who shall remain nameless disparaged my weight loss stating part of it was baby weight, which upset me somewhat

42. Favourite flavour of sweets?
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate

43. What instruments do you play?
I can play one tune on the piano, and I can make noise with a ukulele

44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
My Wedding and engagement rings and my charm bracelet as it reminds me of the one my Nana used to have

45. Last sport you played?

46. Last song you sang?
Sadly 'Who Stole The Cookie from the Cookie Jar'

47. Favourite chat up line?
Don't really do chat up lines

48. Have you ever used it?
As above

49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
I hang out on a Friday with one of my besties and normally grab an hour with a cuppa and cake with my other bestie on a weekend

50.Who should answer the questions next?
I'm tagging.Liz from Hart Of The Munchkin Patch and Jennifer from My Mummys Pennies



  1. Fab answers, and as to the person who insulted you, tell them to feck off!!!! xx
