Saturday 22 February 2014

Thankful Thursday, well really, Thankful Friday Week 8!

Some of you will have noticed the absence of my usual Thankful Thursdays Linky. Well  at least one, Thankyou Clare from Emmy's Mummyand Harry's Too!

This week has not been a good one, ignoring the fact that we have been housebound in the half term because of chicken pox, and that Mummy has been struck with a two week virus.... We lost internet connection!!!!! 

So this weeks Thanks is slightly different (and much later) than I had planned because yesterday I discovered how hard it is to create a linky on a phone! Or in my case not actually possible. So I've happily been able to access Facebook and Twitter but no real internet. Whilst normally I'd have happily tootled to my local coffee shop and posted from there using lovely free Wifi, not so during  my half term pox prison! 

So this week I am thankful for my home Wifi!

I realise this is a very 'first world problem' but I'm very aware of how much easier my life is with internet at home.

I hope you can link up and share what you are thankful for this week, a story, a sentence or just a picture, its always good to find our silver linings.

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

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  1. We missed you!
    The dreaded pox - I hope they aren't suffering too much - what rubbish timing and ARRRGGGHHHH I feel Mummy's pain

  2. It actually wasnt so bad, see you next thursday hopefully xx
