Monday 10 February 2014

Project 365 40-46

40 - whilst I'm fully aware of the display of bad parenting here.... I couldn't help but laugh when Peanut Put the lid from 'potsy'  on Termite! Termite was rather pleased and Peanut took this picture! 

41 - Making the very most of the precious remaining free afternoons with my Golden Child before September takes him to all day school, we popped to our local park where we had great fun showing Termite the swings for the very first time. 

42 - Brocolli today on our baby led weaning journey.

43 - We are a house of snot and coughs today mammy is grateful for ....

44 - Four Family members in the bath, bubbles everywhere but it warmed us up after a freezing school run!

45 - Wet and windy outside the boy and I saved the galaxy from the comfort of our dining room 

46 - Nothing  else for it, welly's on and puddle jumping commenced, such fun. 

Despite the Poorliness and lack of sleep it's been a rather snuggly and loving week. 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. jumping in puddles, such fun. great round up x

  2. Some great photos. Bath time looks like great fun! Of course you can't beat puddle jumping!

  3. Love the bathtime cuddles. Hope you all feel better now! #project365

  4. Hope your feeling better.

    I too grab the camera at any funny situation - capturing memories not bad parenting ;)

  5. you cant beat a bit of fun jumping in puddles :)

  6. I hope you all feel better soon x

  7. wow that puddle is huge, but it certainly looked like fun!

  8. Loving the 1st photo and how cool does jumping in puddles look! Great awing shot of termite too! Hope you are all feeling better now!

  9. Loving the star wars figures :-) brings back a lot of happy memories :-)

  10. always time for puddle jumping!

  11. Wonderful - we are just getting started on our old Star Wars toys and a bubble bath would be a good memory picture for the future! Hurrah for lids on the head - adorable!

  12. Gorgeous photos; love the bath one and the puddles. Hope you are all feeling better now
