Friday 21 February 2014

Project 365 Week 8

47 - The sight of my baby's hand so still in sleep and so tiny always makes me thankful for our little blessings.

48 - The chicken pox have hit, and all my boy wanted was a snuggle with his big sis.

49 - Peanut met 'Hugless Douglas' today at our local library 

50 - Termite looking very big, showing us that a baby's life is a tough one! 

51- A visit to a local living museum where we saw some soldiers showing us what it was like in the war, Peanut was intrigued by the Gun, The Golden Child and I where not so enamoured. 

52 - It may have been blustery and breezy today but we made the most of the bright skies and took to our scooters, in fancy dress of course !

53 -Termite listening to peanut sing 'once I caught a fish alive'

Eek see you all next week and we will be heading into MARCH! Is that spring I can hear knocking gently on the door... 


  1. Love the teeny hands. #project365

  2. Hope the chicken pox is going - we have nit had thay yet....

    1. Pre spots it's worse! He's been great since he got his 'chicken spots' !
