Wednesday 17 July 2013

Not So White tonight

After a day of sun bleaching I have to admit to feeling disappointed with the results ....

The photo at the top is before and the bottom is after a whole day in blazing sun. I used white tissue as a shade comparison. 

Now not to be defeated I resorted to a bought product! Earlier in the year at  a local baby fair the real nappy ladies sold me some bio D...

Claiming amazing cleaning results from one night of steeping and a machine wash. So dutifully I steeped and washed and dried and below are the third set of results.

Now I don't consider this a great result but am I being to picky?

So readers, any tips tricks or products you can recommend, please leave comments in the box before I reach for the bleach!!! 


  1. lol, karen, they're just grey, embrace the greyness, hug yourself every time you see them and know that in their lives have saved soooo many sposies from landfill that it has left them satisfyingly tired, and grey. Soon they shall be so covered in horrific poops of epic proportions - you'll be wishing they were just grey...

    1. Fiona you have made me chuckle with this all day long, great advice as always
