Thursday 4 July 2013


So as a mum of two soon to be three I spend a lot of time judging quality of clothes for my kids, don't judge me I believe all parents do this, we want clothes that will stand up to food, dirt, rough and tumble, and most of all will wash well, dry relatively flat and not need to be ironed. But on top of all that, I really don't want to think my children are wearing something that has brought suffering to someone else's children. Oh yeah I hate paying full price too, I buy pre loved and in sales and think nothing of scouring charity shops and market stalls.
As you can see I'm a bit demanding so I was over the moon when I discovered Frugi, Frugi are all about scrumptious organic cotton clothing for babies and children aged 0-8years, they also have a fab range of breastfeeding wear for mums. Their clothing not only looks beautiful but is made from the softest organic cotton that will last and last! Frugi are members of ‘1% for the planet’ so they donate 1% of their turnover to help support 3 great environmental charities, they also promote the highest social welfare standards amongst their manufacturers and cotton growers.
Let me tell you how I discovered them, a post went out on Facebook by Frugi calling for 'Crusaders and Fledglings' This basically entailed someone who already loved Frugi, recruiting someone who had not used their products before to try them out. Both Crusader and Fledgling would review something and then hopefully Love it so much they would spread the word.

We were sent a lovely Rugby top for my son who is a chunky two year old the first thing I noticed when taking it out of the packaging was an absence of smell, you know that smell some new clothes have like a cross between chemical and plastic, which scored a point or two with me as I hate that smell. I did say I was demanding though right?
Next is the packaging the clothes come in compostable non GM potato sacks, you can just throw all the bits of packaging from a Frugi parcel on a compost heap and let it rot away!!
So back to the shirt, it felt really soft and I kept wanting to stroke it it was so lovely and the size was good too, we got a 2-3 and it fit just lovely for my boy who takes after his Dad in build, he is quite tall and looks a bit like a mini Rugby player. It survived a day at pre-school, two 'animal rescue' adventures (please note we don't really rescue animals, my children just have really vivid imaginations) and came off the same shape as it went on, always a bonus. Now for the wash, I'm a 30 degree washer and so quite often keep my fingers crossed once the washer has started, but all worked well and it came out clean and again the same shape and size as when it went in. Now for my final test, will I be forced to iron it.... I'm over the moon to say with clever hanging, something I have become quite adept at, it did not need ironing.Yes I do know this sentence leaves me open to judging but I just don't do ironing.
Now my only negative point about this top is that the cute bug on the back was so cute that my son kept trying to look on his back, rendering him a little similar in nature to a dog chasing his tail.
Overall I'm truly impressed with our little find, would I buy from them again, yes I would they are a bit more expensive than some places but they run sales and you can pick up some real bargains. Most of all though I'm impressed with their morals and eco credentials, that in itself is enough for me, plus if you head over to Frugi and use code HOLLY at the checkout you can get 15% discount

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