Friday 4 November 2016

Kazoops Music

Have you seen Kazoops? If you have I bet you are singing the theme song right?

Well Cheeky Little Media, the folk behind Kazoops have launched an album full of similarly catchy child freindly tunes, Just Imagine Volume 1 released on 28th October has 20 songs our favourite is Dinosaurus Games ...

My kids think this is awesome and the Kazoops Youtube channel is a new favourite, Im surprised that I enjoyed it a lot too. Its not your everyday earsplitting manically chipper kids TV music that makes you want to stuff a cocktail stick in your ear! There are different styles of music and its quite educational too.

Check out the total engrossment from the girls ....

If you want to buy the album then digital service providers will include iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora and Youtube. You can either buy the whole album or individual songs or alternatively stream the music online


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