Thursday 3 November 2016

Teaching Children How To Deal With An Emergency

If you collapsed at home with no one around would your Children know what to do? Possibly not and that really highlights the importance of teaching children how to deal with an emergency.

Earlier this year I was invited along to a Little Rescuers Session from Tumbles and Grumbles. Tumbles and Grumbles is the brain child of Caroline a paramedic from the North East, she started the company to provide paediatric first aid and emergency training that is accessible for all, she offers first aid courses for parents, grandparents carers and children. She runs classes in various locations  and teaches in schools she will also come  to your house for small group sessions, because as a fellow parent she gets that mostly its impossible to get anywhere without a little person until they start school! 

All of the trainers at Tumbles and Grumbles are parents AND medical professionals so they have all the practical knowledge alongside an understanding of how emotive and panic inducing any emergency involving your kids can be. They are dedicated to ensuring parents, carers and grandparents have the knowledge and skills to help their kids to the fullest and get through those minutes before the emergency services arrive.

So let me tell you about Little Rescuers, the idea of the course is to offer children a foundation knowledge of how to handle an emergency, we all hope it will never happen and that we will always be around for our kids but imagine if you passed out and there was no one around, or you got hurt and there was no other adult about. Its really important to arm your kids with the knowledge of staying safe getting help and helping if they can.

The session lasted about an hour and Caroline used toys, props, songs and scenarios to explain, what do do in an emergency, ensuring your own safety, calling the ambulance (including a ditty on how to remember your post code) and  how to put someone in the recovery position.

The kids were aged between 3 and 5 and they were all engaged and eager to take part, all of them answered questions and really took in all the points made , a favourite was the emergency role play involving an inflatable dinosaur and some household 'hazards'.

I loved watching the kids interact with Caroline and learn while having fun, and I will definitely be taking Termite to one of her courses next year. At the end of the session all of the children had learned the recovery position and most were happy to practice on each other and they all answered questions about the points they had been taught with confidence.

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