Wednesday 23 November 2016

Animal Inside Out at Life - A Winter Must See

I make no bones about it, Life is one of our top ten places to spend the afternoon, Daddy Monkeyfeet swears he hates visitor attractions and every single time we go here I leave with photographic evidence of him having fun! This visit was all about the animals, well about Animal Inside Out. Daddy Monkeyfeet missed the last Dr Gunther Von Hagens exhibition so he was keen to come to this one.

Many of you will be wondering about age suitability, well my tribe are aged 3. 6 and 7 years, the littlest was not phased at all but was more interested in moving swiftly on to finding the next animal than spending much time studying the intricacies of each. 

Peanut at 7 was very interested in the different parts that she could see but was a little wary at first she soon got stuck into looking at everything with interest, The Golden Child my most sensitive and gentle child was showing some signs of nervousness at some animals but was fine with some hand holding and soon enough was off exploring by himself.

The exhibition is just as fascinating as Body Works,and in my opinion is well worth a visit, I dont think it is at all scary for young people but you should take into consideration the temperament of you child.The exhibition will run until 8th January and you can now also combine your visit with a trip to Skating at Life* so you can spend the whole day there.

*extra charge

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