Monday 14 November 2016

Time is Running Out To See Great North Snow Dogs With Metro

You can not live in the North East and not know about the Great North Snow Dog Trail, almost everyone I know has gone Snow Dog Crazy, Two of my besties have even managed to  find every single one


I knew Team monkey feet needed to do a bit of catching up and so we arranged a great value Snow Dog Metro Pass, to have a trek around Sunderland, North Shields and Newcastle finding the dogs we hadn't yet. The pass is only £10 for 2 adults and up to three children and you get a pre-booked travel card and snow dog wristbands valid for travel on local rail, the ferry and the metro.

Of course we chose the most stormy day of the year to go snow dog hunting! Our plan was to walk from Seaburn Metro station to the sea front along to the glass centre and into town, normally a lovely peaceful walk, then a metro to Newcastle. See the dogs there and hop on to South Shields so we could ferry over to North shields caching all the dogs on the way.....

This however was the sight that greeted us when we arrived at the sea front ...

Photo credit Alec Jones

So we immediately changed our plans for the afternoon Ferry trip  fearing the choppy waters were just not for us, all in all the weather put a bit of a dampner on our plans and we ended up having to cut short some of our longer walks and hop on the metro (rather lazy but we were pleased we had our passes so we could do this easily.

We had a very soggy but fun time and managed some puddle jumping, soggy seaside chips and a few lovely dogs, even some Christmas shopping too. Check out our adventures here...

If you haven't already gone to find some Snow Dogs you have only until the 20th Novemeber as the pooches are all heading in to be pampered and brought back to thier original glory in time for the Great Snow Dog auction, there are lots of events going on around the Great North Snowdogs though check them out here

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