Tuesday 29 March 2016

Top 3 Fun Ways to Have an Awesome Family Holiday by Witty hoots

Todays guest post is by Helen you may have seen her writing from Peakle Pie earlier in the month, today she is back sharing tips from her lifestyle blog Witty Hoots on how to have an awesome family holiday  

Hi I’m Helen, a former primary school teacher and art historian.  I write for Witty Hoots which is a family, home and lifestyle focused blog and I have a passion for sharing top tips and frugal ideas!

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer it means that our thoughts turn to spending more time away from school or work.  So we decided to share 3 fun ways to spend time together as a family during the holidays without having to go away!

What’s On for Free or Nearly Free!
You will be surprised what is on in your local area.  Most local museums or art galleries will have a holiday programme that is family friendly.  Some of the places we have visited will have a little quiz where you have to find certain objects or characters dotted about the displays.  These are great for keeping youngsters interested and engaged.  Sometimes there will be a small prize once they have completed the tasks.
If this is not available where you are visiting, why not take a notepad for each child and get them to find different things.  It could be to look for a certain colour, a certain object or to draw something interesting.  Once they have found five things each, then you can give them a small prize of their own, whatever your budget allows.
Even if the place you want to visit does not have a specific programme, you can have a great day out exploring and learning about all sorts of different things.  You will be amazed at what you can discover and you will be teaching your family the value of museums or galleries too.
Another great source is your local town council, park or library.  Often there may be a special themed day, with activities and entertainment for the whole family.  Often there are opportunities to find out new things, or to just have the space to kick a ball around and share a simple picnic.

Visit the Cinema or Have a Movie Day
Lots of cinemas will now have reduced price special viewings for kids during the holidays or on the weekends.  Often the film will be released a few years ago, but most kids will enjoy a visit to the big screen regardless of what is playing.
If this is too expensive or you don't have a cinema nearby that has a kid’s morning, why not have a movie day or night.  Add lots of cushions, some well-placed snacks and close the curtains to make it feel like a real cinema.  You can get lots of movies via your TV or splash out on a new DVD and don't forget to invite some friends over to share the day

Grab the Board Games and have a Games Tournament!
We all have board games tucked away in the attic or in a cupboard.  Games we used to play when we were kids, before 24 hour TV or computer games.  This is also a great way to have fun as a family, regardless of age and gender.
Choose some board games that have simple rules.  These are usually easier to set up and play, without having to refer to the rulebook all the time.  Familiar games also mean there is less chance of arguments too.  If you have the room, set up more than one board game and if you have a variety of ages and abilities then why not have teams instead of individual players.  
Set your rules before you begin.  Are you going to play the game to its end, think about how long each game takes to play or are you going to set a time limit?  
Set yourself off with three games to start with and play about an hour on each.  Remember snacks and breaks in between, this lets team members to discuss their tactics and sort out who will be the principal player for the next game.
Don't know which games to play?  Why not try mixing it up with kids games as well.  For example, you could play Trivia Pursuit, Chess and Kerplunk!  
We hope that this has given you some ideas on how you can have a fun family holiday without breaking the budget or having to leave your own town!

What fab ideas, Im especially a fan of Board Game Tournaments. although its gets rather heated with my rowdy bunch! You can follow Witty Hoots on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook

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