Tuesday 15 March 2016

50 Free or Low Cost Ideas for The Easter Holidays

  1. Egg Hunt- The pound shop sell those plastic eggs so you can hide sweeties inside and use them year after year.
  2. Egg Rolling, A hard boiled Egg, a hill and some energy, who can go the fastest
  3. Egg Decoration More hard boiled eggs and let them go crazy  
  4. Egglypmics, Egg and spoon races, egg bowling, egg hurdles, your imagination can run riot icorporating eggy themes to the normal sports activities of the standard olympics
  5. Easter Bonnet Making- Use an old cap or simple make a headband from cardboard and decirate them, then have a bonnet parade                     
  6. Church Parade and Marching, most churches take part in a Good Friday procession or hold a service.
  7. Card Making, Let them make and the send easter cards
  8. Water Painting, all you need is a dry pavement and some water and brushes, they can paint all day
  9. Outdoor Chalk- those big chucnky chalks are great for drawing outdoors and it will hose or wash away easily
  10. Beach Combng, head to the coast and collect driftwood and interesting artefacts, why not take a bag and littler pick to help the environment at the same time. Be careful of any sharp things though
  11. Beach Comber Crafts, use your finds to create a scene in a shoebox, or build a stickman or fill a jar with beach delights
  12. A trip to the Park
  13. Ball Games, pass, dodge ball (gently please! is normally our cry) tennis, golf
  14. Learn to Knit or Crochet there are great youtube and pinterest tutorials and a simple square can be the start of great things
  15. Movie Day choose your favourite movies, get some popcorn and snacks and settle down for a movie marathon
  16. Car Rolling Tournament (STEM maths and Engineering), Build ramps and try out different gradients and see how far you can roll a car, get a tape measure and paper to record your result.
  17. Bake a Cake, then let the kids go wild decorating it
  18. Easter Nest Cakes - Crshed shredded wheat stirred into melted chocolate with a little syrup, placed into cake cases and topped with mini eggs. So simple ut trully yummy
  19. Afternoon Tea Party - Make some sandwiches, and use your nest cakes and your baking goodies to host a tea party, use juice in a teapot with cups and saucers for added poshness.
  20. Painting
  21. Dressing Up- use old clothes, fancy dress, towels sheets scarves.
  22. Put on a Fashion Show
  23. Puppet Theatre use an old shoe box or small box, cut out an arch in the front and a hand hole on either side and add paper curtains and decorate thenuse peg dolls or sock puppets to put on a show.
  24. Make Moondough 
  25. Have a box day, collect lots of boxes (ask local shops) and let the kids build planes, trains, robots, towers... the possibilities are endless.
  26. Make a bottle rocket- cover a pop bottle in tinfoil and tick on the cone at the top and triangle along the bottom.Super simple
  27. Make paper cup monsters use paper or plastic cups and any craft materials you have to hand (egg boxes, loo rolls, tissue, cotton wool) and create creatures
  28. Sock Puppets Use those odd socks that will never find their match to make hand puppets with googly eyes and woolly hair
  29. Peg Dolls draw a face on a wooden peg he use material scraps or tissues and paper to make outfits for them, wool for hair or just draw it on
  30. Put on a pantomime, get the kis to create a show (you can join in too, oh yes you can)
  31. Make an obstacle course - who didn't play 'the floor is lava' when they were little?
  32. Go Puddle Jumping
  33. or Hill rolling
  34. or Rock Pooling
  35. Build a Den, chairs a blanket and some cushions
  36. Make Salt Dough creations, 1 cup of flour mixed with half a cup of salt and half a cu of water, need well then create and bake on a super low heat until hard 
  37. Make Perfume out of flowers - yes it smells like earth but we all loved doing it
  38. Make a Mud Pie Kitchen - Some big boxes and old dishes and cutlery and let them get messy
  39. Have a water Fight, make sure you have a safe large and clear area, put our some buckets and water pistols if you have any, or water balloons and go crazy
  40. Have Breakfast in Bed This one is probably best for linen change day so as to avoid CRUMBIES!
  41. Go to The Library- read books, join in with the activities, look at old newspapers
  42. Play Party Games- Like musical Bumps, Musical Statues, pin the ... on the ... (this very much depends on your creative talents in drawing something that needs something stuck on to it!
  43. Have an in Home Disco, and dance like no one is watching
  44. Go for a Bike Ride, or a scooter ride or run or a walk!
  45. Stay up Late and Count The Stars
  46. Sleep Late and Stay in you PJ's , this links well with 40 followed by 15, 49 and 50
  47. Visit a Free Museum
  48. Build Paper Planes (more STEM) and have a competition to see who can fly the furthest
  49. Make your own pizza, the stranger the better.. Peanut butter chocolate and banana anyone?
  50. Eat Chocolate


  1. The Easter holidays are sooooo long that I will be printing this brilliant guide off and sticking it on the fridge for those days when I'm tearing my hair out... because I know that will happen!!!

  2. Lovely ideas - it will be quite a challenge to try and tick everything from your list. Ah I can't wait to chill out and eat chocolate over Easter!

  3. Some great ideas here. I wish the weather had been nicer.

    Cat x

  4. Wow, so many ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  5. We're having a lovely holiday but we could do with new activity ideas, thank you for this list!

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