Thursday 24 March 2016

Blaze and The Monster Machines STEM Party

So we recently helped Nick Jr and UkMumsTv celebrate the launch of daily Blaze episodes and the new amazing Fisher Price toys by hosting a Twitter Party alongside a STEM themed party at home. Blaze is a great animated TV show with roots in STEM helping children learn about Science Technology Engineering and Maths . We were sent an amazing selection of things to help us party Blaze stylee...

We started the party with the Science activity, now our age range was from 2-8 years old so we may not (totally didn't) have followed the instructions precisely but basically we were looking at density and why some things float and some things don't. we looked at some items a cork, a paper clip, toy car, a ball, some buttons and lego and discussed whether each would sink of float. Then we tested our theory's then we played guess what is in the egg based on what we had found and amazingly (to the children) all the eggs floated no mater what item was inside!

Technology task saw us looking at which parts of the car do which jobs and colour coding them appropriately, I'll be honest we have a bunch of free spirited children so this task soon turned into 'I'm gonna colour it the way I want' but they all enjoyed themselves

Next up Engineering, tasked with building an assault course we made self supporting 3d shapes from cocktail sticks and jelly tots, built ramps and chicanes from lolly sticks, cardboard tubes and card. Then we fired our card from the Blaze Launcher to see who could get furthest along the course. The kids loved building things and really let their imaginations run away, creating dramatic stories about how the cars would handle each part of the course

We were kindly provided snack by kiddylicious and these went down a treat as a little break time before our next activity.

For the maths we built a ramp using the toy launch pack and the Blaze launcher toy then set out a tape measure and took it in turns to see who could make their car go furthest (me obviously but I kept that quiet) and next up we moved on to a food activity before sitting down to watch a special feature length episode of Blaze on Nick Jnr

For the food activity we made wagon wheel biscuits (or oreos for my dairy fee termite) into Monster truck wheels, we cut the centre of the biscuit with a cookie cutter then decorated with icing and chocolate chips, kiddylicious wrigglers and sprinkles. At this point I committed a massive rookie error, realising I had left my camera in the hall i left to get it so i could take some pictures of our awesome creations and when I returned .....

The party guests were ready to settle down to watch Blaze and see who would win the Race to the Top of the World (I shan't spoil it) and then it was time to leave with our awesome goody bags. We had a fab time as you can see so thanks Nick Jr Uk MumsTV

and Fisher Price for providing all we needed for an amazing education and fun STEM themed Blaze and The Monster Machines Party

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