Thursday 11 February 2016

A New look Blog

I've had such a busy day and I'm currently pulling together lots of information about great tgings to do in half term but I got distracted redesigning my blog, We discovered this picture which is missing one of the children (poor third child)  but perfectly depicts happy times for us, it will need replacing with a new one which we plan to get on our upcoming holiday if I can make the all stand still for one minute! But I decided there was no better time to make my blog look sunny and bright. So this is my new header 

You'll notice we have shortened our name to match our web adress more, Adventures of a Monkeyfooted Mummy is still very much the concept of the blog but I feel most people refer to us as Monkeyfeet or in some cases even  Mrs Monkeyfeet (which admittedly I love) and so a shorter snappier title has been born!

And we've opted for sunshine colours for the background t remind us of fun sunny holidays, our very favourite times. 

What do you think, be honest I'm open to any and all comments...


  1. i love your new header it shouts sun sea and fun to me which is fantastic! love the shorter name to well done Mrs. Monkeyfeet! x
