Thursday 4 February 2016

Small Office Spaces

Working from home sometimes equates to slouching on the sofa in front of the telly getting distracted by Eastenders and Facebook! So this past few months I have been hatching a plan to find a space I can call my own, a place just for Monkeyfeet business.

This news makes my better half roll his eyes, let me explain .. The Mr and I have been married 10 years and in that 10 years I have spent a great deal of time and money trying to find the perfect desk, my search for said perfect desk has involved many unsuccessful ebay purchases, many more DIY efforts that did not work quite the way pinterest led me to believe! Add to that the many room use changes we have had with our growing family, and you can imagine my available work space has gotten smaller and smaller (another reason for the many desk changes!) I'm now blessed with this teeny corner in a room used as a family tv watching space, an architecture library and the husbands office. You can see why the news of another work space creation may not be the best news my husband could be greeted with.

So, my long search for the perfect desk has finally resulted in buying this bargain bureau which I plan to plan to upcycle and paint a calming grey with lovely lining to the inside, add on some gorgeous handles and it will be perfectly me.

My only issue is, as you can see, I don't have a great deal of storage space for my files and papers, which leads to never being able to find anything when I need it. So I've decided upon some floating shelves above the bureau which will mean the need to buy some pretty new magazine boxes and I'm still hunting the elusive perfect retro landscape filing tray.

I bought a wing back chair at our local recycle point and my aim is to strip it back and cover it in some amazing patchwork curtains that I found in a charity shop add on some cushions and not only will I have created the perfect work space but I will have a beautiful reading chair to adorn my 'office' as well.

So what do you think to my plans? Have you a work space at home? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I love bureaus too! I have considered buying one but I've decided on going with a larger desk instead :D
