Sunday 3 January 2016

Goals for 2016

I know I know, everyone is at it, posting about what they will do in 2016 well I'm going to join in! I figure if I write it here it makes it more real, so here are my goals for 2016.....

Blog -

  • I plan to have a little re brand 
  • I'm going to learn more about web design so I can be more independent and move toward more of a magazine style site. 
  • I'd like to increase my Facebook following to 3000 this year and my Twitter to 5000. 
  • I'm tentatively moving into vlogging and I'd love if I could get to 500 subscribers on YouTube. 
  • I shall be attending my fist blogging conference (and leaving the children with Dad for the first time ever!)
  • I'm going to post AT LEAST 1 Travel, 1 Recipe and 1 parenting post every week 
  • Earn twice as much as I do now from my writing
  • Meet more local bloggers


This year I have picked up a reasonable income from writing web content for others and offering assistance with social strategy so I would like to build upon this more and make that little income a big one!


  • To do even more with the kids, I love spending time with my little people and they are growing so fast I just want to catch every moment that I can!
  • Spend more time with family
  • See my pals as much as possible 
  • I'm going to run, a bit more every week
  • I'm going to exercise, more than I do now
  • I'm going to grow more veg
  • I will fit into my wedding dress again on our 10th anniversay in July
  • I will reclaim my glam (I have pledge this before and I struggle not to roll into the mummy uniform and ignore the mirror!)
  • I will take better care of me by taking care of my skin, drinking more water, learning to have 5 minutes detachment and restoration, 

  • I will purchase a 10 inch Kindle Fire
  • I will own a new all singing all dancing DSLR camera
  • I will treat my husband to something spectacular for our anniversay!

But the biggest thing this year will be planning a 6 moth trip to INDIA!!!! Yep you read that right, if all goes well and funding can be secured, my clever clever man will be going to India to research game changing building methods over there, and team Monkeyfeet will be right there with him!

1 comment:

  1. Love your goals and I am 100% confident you will achieve them. So excited about India for you x
