Thursday 14 January 2016

English Heritage Membership - Guest Post by The Monkeyfooted Godmother

Perhaps this new year sees you resolving more, get out more or see more? Well English Heritage membership can help you do all of those things! I'm very pleased that we here at Monkeyfeet HQ have been given the honour of membership to English Heritage and now that the kids are settling back into school I think they are ready for some weekend adventures discovering all the different English Heritage locations 

We here at Monkeyfeet HQ are very new to English Heritage but have fallen in love after only one visit to Belsay Hall (review coming soon) but The Monkeyfooted Godmother has been a member for some time and writes here telling us all about how she finds it..

At the start of this year we considered joining English heritage, but we weren't sure how much use we would get from it. After a spring and summer with a 2.5yr old boy who loves castles, knights, swords & putting the bad people away we had to reconsider. We had a day out at Belsay hall, castle & gardens, 5 children ranging from 2-6 yrs if age. We joined English heritage that day, £88 for 2 adults & up to 6 children getting 15 months membership when on direct debit. We had a great day, the children loved every minute. Starting by running around the hall, particularly the cellars with the great echo's and acoustics. 

Then a picnic in the summer house, followed by a walk through the gardens - the quarry gardens are amazing. Finally we ended up at the castle, activities for the children - dressing up, jousting, sword school & crafts - then we explored the castle. 


It was fantastic, the children were occupied all day & very tired by then end! We went back to Belsay a week later & had just as much fun! We then attended the Hadrian Wall celebrations at Birdoswald Roman fort, I can say I loved it as much as the children. An 80 strong Italian Roman legion and a 30 strong barbarian horde recreating sights with fantastic accuracy from 2000 years ago. It gave me goosebumps to see a single Roman soldier walking through a field of reeds, it was like a ghostly vision of a Roman centurion far from home in a cold strange land! I must addthat the children, only 2  of them this time had fun running around & meeting the soldiers - having a little sword fight of their own. We have certainly got our money's worth already from the membership & plan to have loads more visits. The staff are amazing and always ready to help, pass on knowledge, give advice & most importantly interact with the children. Even if your child is not castle mad the English heritage sites provide space to run, explore & have fun, there are so many sites all over the country & discounts at many other affiliated sites - as far as I'm concerned it is must - just wish we'd joined earlier. 

Which English heritage sites have you visited? I'd love some recomendations

Find out about membership here 


  1. We visited Chesters Roman Fort in the summer and that's fab for little ones - loads of open spaces and just enough structure to see what the buildings used to be. Also, James loved wriggling through the tunnels! Great place for a picnic. The kids activities were regular and very interesting (even to a then two year old!) .There were people swimming and paddling in the river, too, so you could consider doing that if your time out there allows.

  2. I always find that where ever you go it's always better when there are re-enactments on too! I'll never forget the time I went to Segedunum with my children and was charged at by about 30 Roman soldiors. Terrifying! (Even though deep down I knew they weren't going to harm us!)

  3. I never know which is English Heritage or NT, I was last at Belsay about 12 years ago when they had a fantastic fashion exhibition. I can't wait to take Zoe back in the summer, now she is walking I think she would love wandering the grounds.

  4. Looks great - we've got National Trust membership which we use a lot. Off to research English Heritage :) xx

  5. I was literally talking to Simon today about maybe getting National Trust membership once we have a car. It's such a bargain and means you're never short of places to go! We already have English Heritage but unfortunately don't get as much use out of it as we could with no car :(

  6. I wouldn't be without my membership - LOVE it. Belsay Hall is one of my favourite spots - I must re-visit soon #LoveNorthEast

  7. We had membership the year before then the National trust this year. Warkworth castle is great ( look for the knight events) and Lindisfarne priory where we saw vikings

  8. Looks great. On our list to visit.

  9. Ooh we are busy debating between this or a national trust membership. You've just made our decision I think!!

  10. We have a membership which is about to expire. I don't think there's enough in the NE to warrant one, though I do love Belsay Hall. We're going to buy a National Trust one instead

    Cat x
