Tuesday 30 September 2014

So Long Sweet Sugar

Ok this is a bit if a shameful and hard post for me! Here goes....

I'm a sugar addict, I know this for an absolute fact, let me explain, I'm not just your bog standard 'I like chocolate' mummy. No no I'm a bonafide I can not cope if there's not something sugary in the house. I eat in secret! Yes I'm sad and shamed to tell you I have secret stashes of sweets in the house that I snaffle through the day. Dissapointinglu This behaviour means that I've stayed at a steady (way too high) weight since around 2 weeks after Termite was born. Yuhuh I managed to grow my third child withough gaining any residual weight, infact 2 weeks after she was born I weighed 20lb less than 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant! And now? A year later? Well I'm still exactly the same weight! I eat well and I'm mobile most of the day and I've breastfed all this time so technically I should be the weight of a wet Gazette (there's another Northern term for you!) but alas I'm not.

So with Stoptober rapidly approaching I have come to a rather momentous decision... I'm stopping the unrefined sugar

No more sweets or cakes, no biscuits or icecream and no jellys or chocolate! 

I'll be honest I sort of doubt my ability but I'm going to try really really hard and I hope it will change my energy levels and my body shape!

Wish me luck! Are you giving up anything for Stoptober? 

Friday 26 September 2014

Tales of the Termite 13 Months

A year and a month! I've had such a busy month since my birthday. We were actually on holiday in Spain on the day of my birthday but we had a little cake and everyone sang happy birthday to me. Then when we came home I had a lovely party in my play group and mummy and daddy bought me a smart trike which I LOVE!


So I figured it was about time to give them a treat and decided to do this.....


It's so much fun and the rentals and siblings (that's short for parentals you know, mum and dad) go crazy clapping and cheering. My my big sister Peanut likes to walk around holding my hand. Mummy especially goes a bit mental I think she may even leak from her eyes! And to celebrate I even got a new pair of clarks shoes, sadly they didn't last long as I took one off and now it's gone forever!

I've also started sleeping in my cot on an afternoon, see I only need one nap now from 1-2.30pm Mummy says she is very proud of me because she can just pop me in My cot and I settle myself! She claims I should do this on an evening as well but to be honest with you I enjoy having a sleepy feed with mummy and she keeps telling me that soon she won't be nursing me anymore which I think is just unfair! I mean I only nurse on a night time surely that should be acceptable right?

My favourite thing this month has been having my hair brushed by daddy, I take him my brush, climb up on him and snuggle in while he brushes my (very short, but rapidly growing) hair.

Mummy likes to play a game called where's the... She really loves this so I play along, so far I've showed her where my nose, toes and eyes are. I also bring her Elmo, Cookie Monster and Iggle Piggle when she asks and she gets really excited and says I'm super clever.
I can also use a fork and spoon and a big girl cup without any help at all, strange though sometimes when I get excited all the water comes out of my cup and usually ends up on mummy!
This month I have loved using:
  • Smart Trike I love to go out on this, I can see lots of things when I'm wheeling around and it's really comfortable, I can't wait to get going on it on my own!
  • Fisher Price Weebles these are funny looking things that just wobble and spin around, but they are really smooth and fun to hold and try to roll.
  • Tots Bots Easy Fits I love wearing these and mammy tells me month after month how cute I look in them and they are apparently really easy to wash and use.
  • Amber anklets I'm still wearing my anklet and mummy says it really helps me when I get teething grumpiness!
  • Clark's pre walkers these are the beautiful shoes that I loved to take off but now I've lost them! mummy says she will get me some more because I'm running around now.
  • Iggle Piggle now I discovered this strange looking thing in my big sisters room and I love him so much! He makes kissing noises and sings a song and he is so soft AND he has friends and they are on my telly box and they are so much fun that I get very excited when I'm allowed to watch them.



Thursday 25 September 2014


Life changes all the time and peoples paths take them in different directions, sometimes schedules are hard to coordinate and weeks may go by without seeing each other. But to coin a cheesy quote ...

This week I'm giving thanks for my friends xxx

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Thankful Thursday 25 September 2014

Hello there my lovelies, thanks for linking up again last week, I love reading your posts and seeing your pictures, Still a crazy time in Monkeyfeet HQ withbroken cars and stairs, and living in a building site but theres always sunshine to be found in the clouds.....

 I can't wait  to catch up with you all again this week

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.
If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Bonmarché Review

When I was invited to review Bonmarché I wondered what I could choose, the last time I was in Bonmarché it was with my Mum before I had kids, so I was a little unsure as to what I would actually review for them. I mean I remember lots of clothes Mum liked which wasn't exactly what I was after. And let's be honest they advertise themselves as a shop for mature women and I'm still a young bit thing right? Well given that I'm pushing (cough) 40 I suppose it's ok to have a little look...

I was however pleasantly surprised when I browsed their website and found 2 dresses and a bag that I loved. Sadly the dresses were obviously very popular and my size wasn't in stock so I chose this lovely scarf detail bag.

What They Say


Bonmarché making women over fifty feel fabulous about themselves at fantastic prices.


To be the destination multi-channel retailer for women over fifty – who want appropriate, stylish, quality product at fantastic prices with outstanding service.


Our people and customers are at the heart of everything we do.

We are a modern, innovative company which delivers excellent customer service and contributes locally.

Our values are:

Respect, integrity, friendly service and professionalism.

Scarf Trim Contrast Tote

This pretty patent shoulder bag is in a neutral tone with black edging. The handles feature a polka dot chiffon scarf tied in a bow in corresponding colours which adds a feminine touch. This bag is the perfect size to fit all your essential day to day things so perfect for every day use.

Product Care: Wipe Clean Only

What We Say

I loved the colour of the bag and I think the scarf detail is lovely. I first thought the bag was on the small side but actually it was big enough for A4 papers, my ipad and tonnes of room for all the bits and bobs that go into my handbag.


It's the perfect size for working away from home for me, I can shove everything I need and then I'm ready to work anywhere. The straps are the right length to wear as a shoulder bag or as a hand bag.

It's well made and has a lovely contrasting lining and at £20 is a real bargain, I was so impressed with it I've bought another as a gift. Next I have my eye on this super dooper cute swimsuit.

You can order online from Bonmarché or connect with them on Facebook and Twitter


Friday 19 September 2014

Today She Walked 19 September

Today my Termite looked her Daddy straight in the eyes, smiled let go of me and walked unaided across the room, she then walked back and forwards across the same space for at least 40 minutes!

She is strong and clever and amazing ...

I will save telling you about my bittersweet joy and sadness about the speed at which she is growing  for another post, for now, I'd like you all to just see how brilliant my youngest girl really is!

Ooh You Lucky Duck

When I tell folks what I do they think I have a very glamourous job filled with free stuff and lots of spare time making lots of money. This is not quite the case, Blogging , in my humble opinion is not as easy as people think. and whilst I dont think I'm anywhere near good enough to offer advice to ANYONE. but I often get asked for tips on to start blogging and how to make money so here goes


  • Write because you want to. It's easy to get caught up with numbers. The number of followers you have, rankings, number of comment etc. But this can distract you from the goal; TO WRITE
  • Don't Expect Too Much Just starting a blog won't men that suddenly people are knocking down your door with offers of reviews and free holidays. It takes work and promotion to build relationships with companies
  • Make Friends With Some PR Agencies. Its all about who knows YOU, so find out the PR contact for the companies you love, and look around for PRs who's clients fit nicely with your blog. I've built relationsships with lots of PR Companies companies like Total Media Agency. These agencies are lovely to work with and the key is to have good communicaiton so you can have a great working relationship
  • Post Lots. Write about anything and everything that strikes a chord with you, get your work out there and keep posting. To use (and change) a cheesy line... 'If you write it they will read' just keep writing and soon you will gain readers.
  • Promote Yourself, Get on Twitter and facebook and share your work with others, in return go read other blogs and leave comments soon enough people will see your name popping up all over and they will come take a look, then they will of course love you so much they will come back again and again!
  • Make It Easy To Follow You Make sure your follow buttons and social media links work and are easy to find, and ask people to follow you, company's like to see you have engagement.





This is a collaborative post


Eggs Galore

I have a secret that I would like to share, I'm a kitchen gadget geek! I love a good home shopping channel gadget, nicer dicers, egg slicers, juicers, steamers, bakers boilers I've had (have) them all. But my latest gadget is an egg boiler!

It's so cool and the kids love it, see eggs and soldiers are their favourite breakfast and egg is a real go to item in our house. They are quick and easy, versatile and nutritious and with an average of only 70 calories in an egg I can enjoy them on my eating plan with no worry. We make omelettes, scrambled, poached (my personal favourite), frittata and egg fried rice and of course use plenty for baking.

So here's my egg boiler in action, as you see it's really easy, pop in the eggs, turn the dial and wait for the beep! 

And having such an easy method of boiling eggs means Termite can have her favourite egg in a cup. This is a Daddy recipe from his childhood. If he was feeling under the weather Grandma Jenny would make him a soft boiled egg and the take it from its shell and mash it in a cup with pieces of butter bread, it always made him feel better and its now Termites favourite way to eat egg. And like all children, for them the best part of soft boiled eggs? 'Tricky Eggs 'Pretending to Daddy that you are giving him an egg (which is actually the empty shell) then he gets a real shock when he cracks it!.

Egg in a cup and Tricky Egg

This is a collaborative post

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Gratitude Through Disaster

This is how our house looks right now...

It could seem like I've not much to be grateful for, but I beg to differ. It turns out that in times of need the reasons to be grateful shine through...

  • A good insurance policy
  • Free cocktails from a sympathetic hotel
  • Cooked breakfasts
  • Kind friends
  • Offers of assistance
  • Supportive words
  • Late summer sun
  • A good builder 
  • A tidy builder
  • The offer of washing and ironing
  • Children who take things in thier stride
  • A brilliant laundry service
  • Tea from a pot
  • School lunches that the kids enjoy
  • Church playgroup

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Thankful Thursday 18 September 2014

Hello again my lovelies, its been a crazy week in Monkeyfeet HQ, you may have guessed by last weeks tardy posting! This is what our house looked liked after the specialists came to dry out things out .... 

Needless to say I have been grateful for many many things in this past week, you can read my list in the linked post below. I look forward to catching up with you all.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.
If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

This linky list is now closed.

Mega Bloks Review and Giveaway

Oh my how I love Mega Bloks! They are so versatile, not only do they nurture creative play they also feed my need for organisation! No seriously Peanut and I have spent many happy afternoons sorting bricks into colour and size towers!

So I was totally over the moon to review a Mega Bloks First Buiders Big Building Bag and A Fast Track Raceway Set.

 Big Building Bag (Classic) (60 pieces)Fast Tracks Raceway

What they say 

 First Builders
Our iconic Mega Bloks First Builders Big Building Bag and range of pre-school construction play toys puts to use our 25 years of construction play expertise, to ensure that every product is specifically designed to help children develop the key skills they need for the very best start in life. That’s why all blocks in our range are compatible and perfect for even the tiniest of hands. These blocks are also stackable and unstackable, children will have fun exploring shapes and colours while building over and over again. To learn more about the developmental benefits of the Mega Bloks First Builders range, visit www.parents.megabloks.com for articles and advice.

Fast Track Raceway 

Drivers, start your engines! Gear up and get ready for some high-speed adventures with the Fast Tracks Racing Team by Mega Bloks First Builders. Your little race car driver can build with the tracks and blocks and mix and match the race cars for endless play. Use the colorful stickers to create even more imaginary fun. Watch as they screech and vroom through the raceways, and the fans in the stands cheer them on! Who will be in the lead, as the checkered flag is waved?

Ideal for ages 1 to 5.


  • Two mix-and-match buildable cars for lots of raceway fun!
  • 50 pieces, including new easy-to-build tracks and three building plates
  • Fun sticker sheet to customize your little racer’s blocks and cars!
  • Compatible with all Mega Bloks First Builders sets for endless building possibilities and family fun

 Big Building Bag

Build and stack for limitless fun with the award-winning First Builders Big Building Bag by Mega Bloks. These bright primary-colored blocks encourage hands-on exploration and open-ended play. Construct tall towers, fantastic fortresses and more. First Builders blocks are made big, especially for little hands to handle. When playtime is over, conveniently pack and store the blocks in our new eco-friendly, PVC-free packaging.
Ideal for ages one and up!
  • 60 First Builders blocks for hours of play
  • A classic primary color scheme
  • Eco-friendly, PVC-free packaging with strap for storage and portability
  • Compatible with other Mega Bloks First Builders products for continuing fun

 What We Say 

We've grown quite a Mega Blok stash with the big two but it has been put away for a while now ready to be brought out for Termite to play with when she is ready so I was quite surprised when Peanut and The Golden Child practically ripped apart the packaging as soon as they saw it and got right onto building!

Termite loves how easy the MegaBloks  are to hold and build with and at just over 1 year old I was surprised at just how quickly got the hang of putting pieces together. The blocks are brightly coloured and really hard wearing so they'll take quite a bit of bashing/throwing/dropping, you all know the kind of treatment I'm speaking of right? 

The Raceway set is really versatile as it has instructions for lots of different ramp combinations to build or you can just freestyle and create your own masterpiece. It comes with two great cars that can be taken apart and built in different combinations. And it's loads of FUN. We all played for ages with it and even at 4 and 5 the big kids didn't get bored! 

I can't offer any improvements on this set or infact the mega blok range at all, it's a perfect creative toy for all ages. My only complaint is that there's so much choice I want to collect all the sets! 

You can connect with MegaBloks on Facebook and Twitter or take a look at thier website.

The lovely guys at MegaBloks have kindly offered me some Big Building Bags  To give away, to be in with a chance of winning simply fill in the Raffle Copter Below and we shall draw a winner from all CORRECT entries. Good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 11 September 2014

Thankful Thursday- 11th September 2014

Welcome back! Last week saw some love lists and posts from some great bloggers, Thankyou for linking up with me, I hope you've all had a great week, Im looking forward to reading your link ups this week.

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.
If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

When Disaster strikes

Last week we returned from a 2 week holiday to discover a pipe had broken and  had leaked for 2 weeks soaking through the middle of the house from top to bottom!

This is some degree of what we discovered

We now have to have walls and floors and staircases removed, possibly move out, have new carpets and decor and the book loss has been huge! But I'm finding thanks! 

This week I'm thankful for insurance, rarely have we claimed on our insurance but this week the have been worth thier weight in gold. Sending out specialists and assesors, arranging replacements and all with kindness and efficiency. So MORE THAN thankyou, so far you have been amazing.


Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Thursday 4 September 2014

Thankful Thursday- 4 September 2014

Welcome back! We have had a lovely long summer break creating family memories and lots of things to be Thankful for.

Thankful Thursday  is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.

If you would like to link up I would  love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this and make Thursdays a happier place.

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou

Well it's been about 3 months since my last linky, when I decided to take a break for the summer so I could spend time with the family and enjoy some travelling. We've had a lovely break and while I feel like I could have more time with the kids I still have lots to be thankful for and this week I'm going to make a great big list ....

I'm thankful for....

  • The chance to have holidayed lots with my family
  • Singing impromptu with peanut in a busy theme park
  • Celebrating Termites1st birthday
  • Unprompted kisses from my boy
  • Painting my nails
  • Blogging and the opportunities it brings
  • Insurance companies
  • Safe new cars
  • Newly decorated rooms
  • Pinterest and it's ideas 
  • My boy telling me he loves me
  • My girl telling me she loves me
  • My termite needing me still
  • A whole summer with my kids
  • A new bike
  • A beautiful coast to ride along
  • A free, safe and supportive education
  • The freedom to choose 
  • Healthy children
  • A loving supportive husband

Thank you for reading, I look forward to reading your posts x

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy