Wednesday 17 September 2014

Gratitude Through Disaster

This is how our house looks right now...

It could seem like I've not much to be grateful for, but I beg to differ. It turns out that in times of need the reasons to be grateful shine through...

  • A good insurance policy
  • Free cocktails from a sympathetic hotel
  • Cooked breakfasts
  • Kind friends
  • Offers of assistance
  • Supportive words
  • Late summer sun
  • A good builder 
  • A tidy builder
  • The offer of washing and ironing
  • Children who take things in thier stride
  • A brilliant laundry service
  • Tea from a pot
  • School lunches that the kids enjoy
  • Church playgroup

Adventures of A Monkeyfooted Mummy


  1. Oh wow, what happened? Hope it's all sorted soon. It's lovely to read that through all that you have found many reasons to be grateful, and sounds like you have helpful supportive people around you xx

  2. Oh my goodness! What an awful thing to come back from holiday to! I'm glad your insurance company is sorting this out for you though, and you are finding the positives that come from such a stressful situation. x
    I have nominated you and your fab blog for a One Lovely Blog award over on my blog. I'd really love to read your post if you'd like to take part x
