Friday 9 December 2016

Beauty and The Beast at Tyne Theatre and Opera House

Last year was our first ever time watching Newcastle Panto Company at The Tyne Theatre, we watched the very last performance of the run and found it hilariously funny, full of action and this mammy cried laughing at their version of  12 days of Christmas. Honestly that alone was worth the ticket price.

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So when we were invited to write a review about this year's Beauty and The Beast we were all very excited. I'm going to say straight away if you are driving into town you need to leave loads of extra time we struggled on the roads and in the car parks and we missed dinner thankyou greggs for saving this family from a meltdown!

Ok so to the panto. Brilliant performances by Emily Swan, last years Jasmine, she sings well dances great and is a lovely watch for little people, Charlie Richmond as the Jester is as funny as can be and the Dames offered visual delight in their amazing costumes but I did feel the chemistry wasn't quite there between the two, don't get me wrong they were funny, but,  having watched Bob Stott for decades in other Pantos I didn't feel like he was being cast to his fullest Dame like brilliance. Maxie Peters didn't seem as vivacious as last year but I was reminding myself that this was opening night and Pantos need a settling in period, I feel all became clear at the end of the panto when Maxie told everyone how sad he was that next years Panto would not be a Newcastle Panto Company performance so perhaps he is letting this over shadow his enthusiasm?

With that said the panto was awesome, the dancers work hard and perform brilliantly, the Beast is great  in both  costume and performance and my only other critique would be that there are a few to many  'oh yes you did' moments leaving the audience a little less passionate in their reply's.

I'm happy to say 12 days of Christmas was sung and the comedy value is still as awesomely funny. There are enough jokes to keep adults and children amused and at 2.5 hours you certainly get your moneys worth

Tickets are around £22/£20 pound for top price seats and the show runs until 30th December, I would highly recommend seeing it

Next years Snow White, may not be a Newcastle Panto production but I'm pleased to say Charlie Richmond will be back and I hear good things about this panto company so I'm excited to see their offering

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