Friday 2 December 2016

Happy 8ty Birthday Peanut

Shall I start this post, like all the others, exclaiming my shock that you are another year older? Probably not because I'm sure you know how quickly time is passing for Mammy , how I wish I could slow time down to simply take each of your moments in a bit more!

Sod it... EIGHT you are 8 that's almost double digits! You are growing so very fast and into such a wonderful girl.

Looking through the photo's of this year something struck me, we have spent a lot of time in hospital or at the GP! What a year you have had with Tonsillitis and injuries and viruses, but we have stood (or lay under a duvet) together and this picture of you laying poorly and defeated on my knee will always make my heart ache with my desire to forever protect you and care for you and I hope I can always take away your hurt with a stroke of your head and a Mammy cuddle

We've been on lots of adventures this year, with trips in the Uk and abroad and as ever you have been a fabulous travelling companion and a source of many smiles and laughter

You are the kindest most sharing caring girl I know and I know that this school year has been a tough introduction to the awful 'mean girl' phenomenon. I know that it is hard to lead with kindness in these situations and believe me you inherited Mammy's sensitive nature, worry wart tendencies and reactive temper so I feel your pain when you are trying to rise above and #BeAQueen . But I'm proud as can be that you try every day to show the warmth in your heart and I promise it is true, If we lead with kindness others will follow, and those who don't, will find the path eventually. 

Happy Birthday my wonderful, funny, creative, strong willed, stubborn as a mule (that there is definitely your Daddy's genes!) amazing caring, sharing, gorgeous girl. You will always be the teacher child, the one who helps Mammy learn and grow, I Love you more than sweeties and I promise I will always be sending you strength and hugs even when I'm not right by your side. 

Showing your inherited love or organisation and clipboards!

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