Monday 1 August 2016

Stretch Armstrong Is Back

I remember Stretch Armstrong from my younger years, he was actually launched way back in 1977 hes as old as me! He has been relaunched this year and has gone back to his original retro look  (think skinny swimmies!) and my kids love him ....

He really can be tied up, stretched pulled and twisted 

The Golden Child has taken a real shine to him and now takes him out with us, I think that Stretch helps his sensory need as he is lovely to squish and stretch and pull, like a giant stress ball!

We took him to a Physio and Occupational Health appointment the other day and the Therapist loved Stretch, she took him to show all her colleagues and they have decided to try to raise funds to buy a couple for the kids in the department, saying he is great for sensory needs, for physio treatment and even for showing children the ways in which the physio wants them to move!

I really didn't think Stretch would go down as well as he did but he has been an absolute favourite, Stretch is £19.99 available from Character

Connect with Stretch on Facebook Twitter and Instagram

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