Wednesday 10 August 2016

C'est La Vie Moments

When I was asked by Tena Lights to take part in their 'C'est La Vie' campaign I knew they had the right girl for the job! They wanted to send me a kit full of helpful things to get though those everyday 'oops moments' and for me to share my oops moments to help encourage women to know that even though every day Oooops moments happen (including light bladder weakness), that they shouldn’t hold you back from doing the things you love!

The kit contained .... 

  • Anti-Static Spray: Windy outside and worried your skirt will blow inside out? A quick spray of anti-static spray will clear that right up 
  • Double sided stylist tape: Wave goodbye to any future wardrobe malfunctions with double sided tape, perfect for keeping your dress in the correct position all night long 
  • Nail polish remover pads: Having your own at-home manicure and the nail varnish goes everywhere? We’ve all been there. C’est la vie! These nifty remover pads will clean up the polish on your hands and the carpet 
  • Mini Sewing Kit: From a hole in your tights to the zip breaking on your skirt, a mini sewing kit is the ultimate life saver! 
  • Make up fixing mist: Ensure make up never slides down your face, especially when the weather is warmer, by setting it with an infallible misting spray. Your foundation will always be on point! 
  • Cleansing wipes: Smudge ruined that perfect eyeliner flick or lipstick smeared on your teeth? Wipe off straight away, with cleansing wipes. What’s more, they’re perfect for removing any other messes that come your way during the working day, from leaked ink to lunch down your top! 
  • Facial tan: Whether at the beach in the summer or skiing in the alps,  when your wearing sunglasses, it’s so easy to end up with unsightly white patches around the eyes. Fear no more and use a little facial fake tan to blend them in the rest of the tan 
  • lights by TENA Liner: The hero health product for women to say C’est la vie to those unexpected little leaks

A lovely set indeed but I fear that the parenting stories I heard when I gave a facebook shout out for 'oops moments' weren't covered by any of these....

Imagine if you will, being invited to a posh soft play area for the second birthday of the child of one of your most yummy mummy friends. The room is small and intimate it's a soft play area and cafe all together so you can see everywhere in the play area from everywhere in the cafe.

Now imagine if you will the fear that strikes as you see the look of panic cross your (newly toilet trained) daughters face, you know that look means only one thing ,she didn't leave the play area in time. 

She was crawling across some webbing when I saw that look, just moments before I saw the liquid dripping through the mesh, and it spiralled from there. Me holding my one year old son, looking frantically for my husband to come help whilst  calmy talking my daughter out of the soft play. Hissing for mark to get someone to come dry up the mess I scoot the children off to the bathroom.

Upon my return the Husband explained that he went for clean up equipment but didn't ask anyone to keep the area clear. Two running children some slipping and more running children.... The result was a pile of three year old children, not unlike a rugby scrum, all lying in a puddle of wee! 

Yes folks I am that Mum the one who had to brave it out whilst watching the NCT mummies have to change their children's clothes because they were soaked in my daughters wee! And the best way to just carry on? Shrug your shoulders with a 'c'est la vie' and know that parenting will bring us all those moments that we just have to carry on with, like  ...

Lois ' Having Sunday lunch in a carvery. Eldest, who was about 3 and a half at the time, spied a plus sized lady returning from the counter with her plate and waited until she was walking right past our table to ask at the top of her voice, 'why is that lady so fat mammy, is it because she's eating ALL THAT DINNER?'
 Lois also flashed the postie when she took in her parcel delivering during her breastfeeding days but didnt even realise until she put the parcel down!

Rachel 'My youngest, 6 at the time, shouted very loudly next to said lady in Asda "mam why is that lady wearing SO much make up just to go shopping, you tell Betty (eldest daughter) not to wear too much all the time."
The lady did have it caked on and didn't look amused , I was so embarrassed. The each person chooses what they want to wear line was used'

Jo ' My daughter  asked me once if she could 'put yellow things up her bum when she's a big girl'. We were in boots. I wasn't sure I'd heard her right and then I realised she was looking at the boxes of tampons....'

I will admit, soft play is no longer my favourite activity. But C'est La Vie, having children is not without its moments! 

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