Thursday 4 August 2016

Chill Factor Ice Cream Magic Tray - Review

We struggle with ice cream for our Termite, allergic to both dairy and soya her choices of store bought are fairly limited. So when we were asked to review the new Chill Factor Ice Cream Magic Tray we were very excited. The idea of Termite being able to create her own ice cream was like music to her ears!

Heres us using the tray ...

Overall, it was a little less exciting than the kids had thought but the ice cream was tasty and Termite has asked every day to make more!

Heres our recipe 
1 small can of coconut cream
10 strawberry (stalks removed)

Whizz the ingredients until smooth and then follow the instructions for the Ice Cream Tray

Priced at £19.99 this is a little expensive for the amount of work (around 1o0 minutes for the second batch) that goes into such a small amount of ice cream. But on a positive note the ice cream is in your control and the kids can learn about making good food that isn't full of junk. Also if you co ordinate the ice cream process with another activity like chopping fruit or a game you will save them losing interest!

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