Tuesday 9 August 2016

5 Minute Fun

We were recently contacted by 5 Minutes Fun, a great new initiative to help create fun educational and FREE activities to inspire little minds. We all know it can sometimes be hard thinking of fun new things with the little people and this great scheme sends an email every morning with a fun free activity that can be done anywhere, on the go, school run, in the house...

Here is a video of 4 of our activities, some other activities we did whilst we were out and about just on the spur of the moment and I didn't manage to catch them on video. As you can see the activities are super easy and can be developed to include even more fun. Our absolute favourite (which Im sad I didn't video, but that wouldn't have been nearly as much fun) was taking our favourite toy on an adventure. we only walked around the block but she (pinky the oobicoo) met an elf, a fairy, three aliens, five pokemon and rescued Percy and Prunella Pigeon from the clutches of Sammy Seagull!!!

Termite loved taking part and now refers back to activities we have done already, like the chick one, but more surprisingly for me, the big two (who are 6 and 7) took it all very seriously and were asking what our daily challenges were! I'm really pleased with the programme and we now do our 5 Minute Funs on the way home from school! 

If you would like to sign up to the daily emails you can do so via Facebook, and you can connect with 5 minute fun on Twitter and Instagram for even more inspiration and cool ideas.

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