Tuesday 9 August 2016

A Day of Culture with Goretex

Just recently we headed to The Customs House for a browse around their galleries and knowing we would be doing some walking (and extreme puddle jumping...) Termite was firmly in her new Superfit Goretex Lumis 

We had a great time emulating the artwork, and even managed a game of trains on the seating ( I love how they can create good fun anywhere)

Termite, enjoyed modelling her new shoes for Mummy and was especially happy that she was about to be allowed to go to her favourite place, and the reason she loves The Customs House soooo much....

The Fountians .....

Check out our movie...

We had a lovely afternoon, Mammy and Daddy got to check out some lovely art and the kids got to run wild in the fountains, go home in blankets and then snuggle with popcorn and a movie. A real perfect Sunday afternoon, and better still the shoes were dry the next day and you wouldn't know they had been complete soakened! Watch out for more Goretex adventures soon from Peanut and The Golden Child

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