Monday 29 June 2015

Childhood Holidays

It's no secret we are big holiday fans here at Monkeyfeet HQ and holiday chat is very prevalent at the moment as we are due to Fly to Tunisia soon, and in light of recent events we've been pondering what to do. The subject of stayactions (that's a holiday in good old Blighty if you didn't know) has cropped up.


Generally this isn't something we do as a family, but the husband and I have been reminiscing that it was the norm when we were little. Actually some of my fondest memories have been in this country and my most favourite childhood holiday was to Scarborough. We were only 5 and 9 when we went and not wanting to sound cliche they were simpler times. We spent our days playing in public paddling pools, or on the beach and ,as un-PC as this sounds now, we spent our evenings in beer gardens eating crisps and drinking cordial.


Scarborough at the time has its own version of Sea World with a dolphin show.



Now as a grown up I can't abide the thought of watching dolphins in captivity but I knew no better back then, obviously as I was only 5. But I remember falling in love with those beautiful creatures and wanting to spend all my time in the park. Like I say I don't even take my kids to these types of places now so I would hate it but back then I remember peering at the dolphin for what felt like forever.


Another favourite is Peasolm Park, or 'pea soup park' as we called it. Such a fab day out, Sunday's you could watch Battle of Britain reenacted by miniature planes and boats on the lake, with'real' explosions and boats being sunk. Then a stroll around the paths followed by a ride on the lake in a rowboat. After that a quick tea and when the sky gets a bit dark a magical walk around the Tree Walk, a little meandering path leading you to all sorts of illuminations and mechanised displays. One bad thing about the tree walk was the free range geese who would chase you for ages to keep you away from their territory! I still don't like geese now I've been so mentally scarred!




The best thing about Scarbourough though is the taste of the seaside! fish and Chips with salt and vinegar washed down with a bottle of panda pop, eaten from yellow paper sitting on the beach with the smell of sea air invading your senses. And for afters (it's a Geordie term for pudding) Jackonelli ice cream, the yellow one that makes you pull a funny face!


Looking back I loved my holiday in Scarborough as much as my first ever holiday abroad 7 years later! I think I've convinced myself that Scarborough should be added to our Bucket List!


Where did you holiday as a child? I'd love to know




Sunday 28 June 2015

Koalapak Review and Giveaway

We were recently sent a Mega Pack from Koalapak to review.

Koalapak are a craft subscription service who provide educational science and craft based projects which are hands on curriculum linked activities, which have been reviewed by educational experts.
We recieved the materials to decorate a cardborad 'garden', decorate an apron, and some plant pots, a gnome to paint and the equiptment to sow some seeds (carrots and cress. Theres also an instruction leaflet with details of the curriculum points covered.

We had great fun making the garden by sticking on all the foam sticker bugs, decorating the pots and sewing the seeds, each activity gave us plenty of things to talk about and the kids all love anything thats crafty and hands on.

The apron was a big hit as a team project and we got good and messy painting with our hands.

Its been really fun watching our cress grow and i forgot actually how quick cress does grow! great for kids because really withing a day there was noticeable activity in the pots so the kids really stayed interested.We really enjoyed everything about the pack, all of the activities were fun and offered lots of educational stimulation without the kids even noticing, priced from £3.95 to £16.95 plus postage the range offers great options for all budgets and I feel like ours was great value for money. it was a good half a day of solid activity plus all the follow on activitiesMy only improvement would have been to have pictures of the finished project on the instructions. It wasnt until after we had decorated that it dawned on me the garden would have been better stood vertically than horizontally and I think kids find instruction following easier with a picture to guide them. Make no mistake though we love our garden and you can see The Golden Child talking about it here  

You can also enter our rafflecopter below to win a mega pack worth £16.95. terms and Conditions Applya Rafflecopter giveaway

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Thursday 25 June 2015

Tales of the Termite - 22 Months

I'm nearly 2! I know this because people keep telling me it is nearly my birthday, that's when I get cake and everyone brings me gifts and sings and helps me have a fun day in the garden with my friends!


I have started to get lots of hair on top of my head which is great because I've got really long hair at the back so hopefully soon mammy can give me a pony tail like peanut gets, because at the moment I look like a shark landed on my head!!!

This month has been a bit grumpy for me, you know I've never been a good sleeper and almost always wake up crying in the night with loud pumps (that's a fart if you are being crude or flatulence if you are being posh!) and stomach pains. After a particularly dairy heavy day or two I got really very poorly.

So after lots of varying ideas from the doctors we now think (after only 22 months of mysterious tummy trouble!!) that I can't have milk. So I've spent the last two weeks pining for Yoghurt and Fromage Frais, my favourite cheese and milk! It's made me sad and grumpy and I still don't quite understand why I can no longer eat these yummy things . But since I stopped eating them I no longer wake up with a hurty tummy which is great (mummy thinks so too)

In other news though I am developing brilliant mark making skills and can draw a cat , it looks quite wonky and a bit run over by a car! But it's definitely a cat, Mammy says it's the best at EVER.

I'm learning more words by the minute and I can sing the Winnie the Pooh song (well most of it, all by myself). I still like lots of cuddles and mammy claims she can't get anything done on a morning because I just want her to carry me around

I'm now in age 3 clothes and as tall as some of my buddies who are 6-12 months older than me. I love to run and dance and I especially like to copy Peanut when we do our shows at home.


This month I have spent lots of time playing with crayons and anything else I find in the craft box , my tigger toy and Peanuts baby dolly.






Thankful Thursday Linky - 25 June

Hello hello to all my regular linkee's and welcome along to any new friends, don't be shy we like new people!

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

  • Please add the badge below to your post
  • Comment on the other link ups, at least the one before yours but more if you wish.
  • Tweet a link to your post to @monkeyfeettweet using #thankfulthursday and I shall retweet it for you

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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Holiday Bucket List - Antigua Barbuda

We all have them right? The list of places to see before we die. As a family our list is long, really really long! There are loads of. Things we'd like to do and places to go, but just for me, for pure selfish luxury I'm putting Antigua Barbuda. Because I'm being selfish I'm planning this whole thing with no input, hey it's my bucket list ok!

So I'm going to fly to Antigua in first class, we'll go in October because it's a special month for us and because it's a great time of the year to be there. And I'm going to book me us a cottage at Cocos, with a four poster bed and all the luxury a girl could need I'll spend a whole day just getting to know the hotel, sipping traditional ginger beer and eating black pineapple so  I can judge whether it really is the sweetest in the world, and watching the sunset on the ocean.

To get a real feel for the beauty of the island we are going to spend a day discovering on Kayaks, how amazing does this sound ' Paddle tranquil lagoons, uninhabited islands and protected mangroves and snorkel and hike at Bird Island, a 20 acre 'jewel in the ocean' that has white beaches, live reef and rare wildlife' so this is top of our list, we are going to snorkell and kayak and swim in lagoons!

Next we're going to go up up and away... On a helicopter ride so we can see all of Antigua, gaze in wonder at the pink sands snd untamed beauty of Barbuda and then go all Indiana Jones as we fly over the eye of Montserrat's volcano! I'm thinking that will be quite a bit of excitement so we should head over to Barbuda (in the helicopter of course) for a day of beach dwelling and good food.

Back on Antigua via Catamaran we will make the very most of our time in paradise by getting out and about to sample Antigua's famous hospitality and try out some local dishes my list to try includes, sweet potato dumplings (Ducana) salt fish, lobster and plantain.

How idyllic does it all sound though? What about this video as a bit of temptation..

I can almost feel the breeze! What would you do on your visit to Antigua Barbuda ?

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Monday 22 June 2015

Happy 5th Birthday to My Golden Child

As I'm writing this I'm sitting next to daddy reminiscing about how 5 years ago mummy was downstairs in the living room,drinking tea in the birth pool watching the world cup on TV (mummy's and Daddy's reminisce a lot around birthdays, it's soppy but you'll do it too I'm sure!) I swear I will never be able to hear a Vuvuzela again without thinking of the rush of excitement and anticipation I could feel knowing you were on your way to us.

I've just read the letter I wrote to you last year on your birthday and I can tell you that every amazing trait I spoke of last year, stands firm still. I love how you are still your baby sisters protector and you don't fight or shout when she tries to take over whatever you are playing with. You understand we need to teach her about sharing and patience and you are brilliant at finding a diversion for her attention.

I love too how you still are happy to follow your sisters lead in play and imagination but how instead of just doing what she says you are now as much of an idea generator as she is. You play so well with others and you are kind and giving.
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Your teachers speak highly of you and your sweet nature, there's often talk of how you are a gentle boy. I can't lie to you though you are the driving force in my belief that some children would benefit greatly from a delayed start to primary school and respond positively to home schooling. This belief, I promise, does not just stem from how much I miss you still when you are at school. Not from the ache I feel whenever you say ' I don't want to go to school mammy, it's such a long time without you'. My belief is that some children develop and learn better when the lead thier own way and you my boy are one of those children. Don't get me wrong you have learned tremendous amount in reception and your reading and writing has become tremendous. But when we are outside discovering or playing or taking part in activities I see your brain ticking and the spark of excitement that shows when you've learned something new, I see your pride and passion at finding your way to new knowledge and I know that perhaps for you learning is a more organic and less structured journey.

I'm joyous that you still love to take my hand, sit on my lap of cuddle into me whenever there's a chance to, your hugs fill my heart with joy and you are a beautiful wise soul who can cheer even the hardest days, not just for me but for everyone who is blessed to know and love you.

You are my boy and I hope you always beleive firmly in the knowledge that you are amazing and brilliant and you always will be

Love from Mammy

Friday 19 June 2015

Slimming World Hummus

I love hummus, we'll all Greek food to be honest! But it's lots of syns for shop bought so here's our alternative

Tin of chick peas
2 red onions
5 desert spoons fat free Greek yoghurt
Garlic salt
Garlic cloves crushed 
1 spoonLemon juice
Salt and pepper

Fry onions and crushed garlic  until clear and caramelised
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl then blend to a smooth paste 

That's it so easy and so delicious 

My Thankful Thursday -Mums

I heard recently about the passing of a friends mum and the descriptions of the funny little things she misses are heartbreaking. It made me think a lot about parental relationships especially the envy (perhaps envy is not the right word) that I have for those daughters who have a close relationship with their Mums. I don't have any sort of relationship with my Mum (this is a very long and pitiful story not for sharing now) but I have grown up with brilliant inspirational caring kind and supportive Mum's in my life.

Throughout my teenage years, through falling in love, suffering loss, having babies and house moves, these women have been there to offer support and advice, inspiration and encouragement.

They've each come into my life in differing ways and played a huge part at different times, providing a place to stay, a shoulder to cry on, an ear prepared for angry shouting, holiday fun, hugs, advice, supportive and inspiring messages 'just because', a nod or smile and words of kidness.

Most all of them knew there was a gap to be filled and they all filled that gap with comfort, advice, love , laughter or a guiding hand.They'll know who they are if they are reading this (and theyd better be bloody reading it!) and I hope they know exactly how grateful I am that they've each taught me that being a Mum, for most , is not just about your own children its about being there, standing strong, crying hard (which I'm doing riight now), laughing harder and nurturing.

One of my most favourite things about motherhood, a big pile of sleepy cuddly-ness

Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

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Hand Luggage

Here are my top packing tips for hand luggage


OK 'light' is a bit ambitious with children in tow, but after 30 lights with my children I think I have streamlined our necessities just right. You don't need everything in the world and honestly if you can get off and on the plane with minimal bags you will feel way calmer.

2 Pack a Change of Clothes

Imagine the horror of being vomited on minutes after takeoff, on a six hour flight, and realising that you are stuck in your seat in stinky soggy clothes until you retrieve your bags at the carousel! Yep we have learned from our mistake. So be prepared , but remember number one, keep it to the minimum I find leggings and a tee will roll nice and small.

3 Be Smart About Luggage

If it doesn't fit under the seat in front it's going in the overhead locker, this means it could be way down the plane if you are unlicky enough to be seated under the cabin crew lockers or the food store or if the flight is busy, so keep it smallish. Also think about opening your luggage in the small space you have. Big cute hardshell kids cases are fab, but they are a nightmare to open in a cramped plane seat! Check out our short list here

4 Divide and Conquer

Put your stuff in seperate pouches, zip lock bags, pots and purses. That way everything is easy to find and the bags come in handy for rubbish or as a wet bag if needs be.

5 Snacks and Entertainment

These two vital ingredients can ensure your kids are occupied for hours. Remember to pace yourselves though one thing out at a time or you will find yourself in that cinema situation. The popcorns gone and you're not past the trailers!

6 PMT !

Passports, Money, Tickets.... Keep them safe, keep them handy, you are going to need to show tickets, boarding passes and passports several times before you get to your seat so it's nice and easy if they are together and easy to grab, so in a secure front bag pocket or at the top of your bag

7- Pen

This sounds really silly and a wee bit old fashioned but it's handy to have a pen, you may need to fill in an immigration card, write something down, fill in a hotel form. All of this is easier and quicker if you don't have to ask around for a pen.

8- Medicine

If you are travelling with young children I find it best to be prepared, earache, teething, headaches it all going to make a small plane very unpleasant if you can't do anything to help. Little bottle or sachets are great and also allowed through customs so long as they are in a clear pouch. Our most top tip for adults and children alike is to pack a pack of Karvol it is a fool proof and amazing way to clear ears that are refusing to pop!

9. Technology

I'm not a great fan of kids using iPads etc but I think there are good uses and suitable occasions. Plane travel is definately one, if you have a tablet of some type or you can borrow or buy one, definately pack it in your hand luggage. Load it up with movies, downloads from bbc I player and suitable apps and games and you can play together for a good chuck of time. I can also highly recommend an earphone splitter bought cheaply from eBay. These mean two or more


Sweets, chews, lollies, whatever you and the kids will enjoy its worth having a little mixed bag of goodies in hand luggage it helps during takeoff and landing with equalising ear pressure. Our favourite are sugar free lollies for the big two and mint humbugs for mummy and daddy.

And this isn't something to pack but an airport tip...


But not so much you miss your flight! There's no need to rush into the plane as soon as the gate opens, infact all you are doing is confining the kids longer than necessary. Let others board first be chilled and then by the time you are sat down it'll be take off time.

For a list of what we carry on board read our packing guide.

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Thursday 18 June 2015

Thankful Thursday Linky 18 June

Hello hello to all my regular linkee's and welcome along to any new friends, don't be shy we like new people!

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

  • Please add the badge below to your post
  • Comment on the other link ups, at least the one before yours but more if you wish.
  • Tweet a link to your post to @monkeyfeettweet using #thankfulthursday and I shall retweet it for you

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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Primary School Testing

Last week peanut came home a little subdued, not her usual chatterbox self. I've learned that it's best in these moments to wait for the reason to come out. She's not one to be questioned and like her mum needs time to process before she shares.

A short while later she started to tell me tearfully that she'd had an exam at school and hadn't done well!

Just to explain here she is SIX! Yes six and she's crying to me that she got 5 questions wrong and didn't want to go into year 2 because all they do is work work work and hardly have time to play! It doesn't take much to trigger my brain to thoughts of the benefits of home schooling, the pressure placed on children who quite frankly should be making mud pies and not ticking boxes on multiple choice tests.


So trying not to let my cross was at her being made to feel bad I tried to find out what had happened. Not much sense was being made and so i called the school to see if her teacher happened to be around for a chat. Luckily she was happy to explain. There's been no official test it was just a little test style (not done in exam conditions) paper, to see how everyone was getting on. Her teacher was keen to reassure Peanut that the test was nothing really and that she knew exactly how brilliant peanut was without even marking the test. She couldn't understand how Peanut thought she'd gotten 5 wrong as they hadn't marked the work.

After explaining all of this to Peanut we got on with our evening but it really made me think, you see this week they've also done 'official' phonics testing in schools across the country, so your year 1 child will have spent some one to one time with their teacher and asked to read some words and pick out some nonsense words. Sounds fairly unobtrusive and fair enough right? Well not really..


Not wanting to write this as just my biased view that testing kids under the age of 10 is ludicrous, unfair and doesn't give any indication of ability, I took to facebook to ask opinion of my many teacher pals


I thought I would get some mixed opinion and some positive comments about how there's really not any appropriate way to test children and this is the best option, I thought there'd be mention of children needing to be assessed in a standardised manner, so I was surprised (and pleased) to find lots of responses all with one theme. Testing children this young is futile it undermines the teachers ability to teach and monitor the educational needs of thier pupils.


The phonics test for example asks children to pick out nonsense word but as one of my teacher friends pointed out..


'The nonsense words are just ridiculous, when in life do you ever have to read them!! The brighter children use their intelligence to try and make them real words (which is what you would hope when they are reading) so they don't pass either! '


I've been informed that phonics testing is being phased out next year which makes me quite happy but it still leaves the issue of SATs in year 2 and the children who've already been 'judged' in the phonics test.

Our teachers quite frankly should be spending thier time tailoring classes to meet the needs of children not tailoring them to make sure children meet the needs of a written test.

I can tell you my girl got top marks in her 'unofficial' test, and apparently got all of her phonics test right (although that's her version of events I've not yet had the teachers) but I can also tell you that it wouldnt make any difference at all to me (obviously). I know her strengths lie in reading, creating and kindness. She's imaginative and smart, kind and logical she always wants to help others and I don't care at all about her 'official' results and neither should she. I've told her not to worry about year 2 and that she doesn't need to take the SATs if she still is worried this time next year. I know the teachers won't make a big deal about it and try ensure children aren't really aware that the SATs are a big deal but I know that some children, like my girl, will and do worry and stress and honestly I'm just not prepared to put her through that for no reason other than allowing our government to label schools based on a test that judges children on one day's performance!

I believe firmly we are pushing our teachers too much and more so, we are pressuring our children to read too soon and fit testing criteria that doesn't give any picture of their abilities at all. We should let our teachers concentrate on our kids, assessing them as they go and not rely upon outdated foolish assesments designed to judge a system that's under too much pressure already.


I'd love to hear your opinions on testing in primary school....


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Thursday 11 June 2015

Thankful Thursday Linky 11 June

Hello hello to all my regular linkee's and welcome along to any new friends, don't be shy we like new people! It was lovely to see so many lovely posts last week, please do keep spreading the word for us.

Well the sun has made a very welcome appearance this week lets hope it's set to stay! So what have you all been up to this week?

Thankful Thursday is my weekly linky for us all to share our silver linings, brags, boasts or just something that made us smile. Be it a picture, a word, a sentence or a great big essay lets share what we are thankful for this week. It can be a new post just for this linky, a picture, a video, one word or a thousand this linky is all about thankfulness so whatever has made you grateful this week I would love to know.If you would like to link up I would love for you to grab the badge below and spread a little linky love to some of the others taking part, by commenting on their posts and don't forget to spread the word, invite lots of people and help me grow this linky and make Thursdays a happier place.

  • Please add the badge below to your post
  • Comment on the other link ups, at least the one before yours but more if you wish.
  • Tweet a link to your post to @monkeyfeettweet using #thankfulthursday and I shall retweet it for you

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Wednesday 10 June 2015

Are Your Feet Flip Flop Ready ?

The sun has arrived! Well it's peeping through the clouds where I live but I hear some lucky folks are getting lots!

So we see the arrival of half naked feet in pretty sandals and flip flops, but are your feet flip flop ready? If they've been hidden away in boots and shoes all winter you may need a little TLC. Here's our guide to fantastic flip flop ready feet.

Exfoliate regularly, any exfoliator will do but you can even do this on the beach, just rub some sand in a circular motion all over the base of your feet while soaking up the sun.

Keep toenails trim and neat, no one wants to see bird claws creeping over your sandals!

Moisturise well, every night if you can remember. Your feet will thank you for it. We use this Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream its lush I pop some on under my moisturising socks and leave them as lock as possible over night. So soft and smooth come morning.

I like having my toenails painted in the summer but it's not necessary.

I also love 'party feet' for rare nights out. They are so kind to the balls of my poor unaccustomed to heels feet. That even after a night in heels I no longer feel bruised!

And et voila happy feet indeed!



Sunday 7 June 2015

Fathers Day Planning with #TruprintDads

Now then it's only 2 weeks until Fathers Day! Have you decided what the Daddy's in your life are getting? 

I have 3 fellas to buy for, there's my dad, obviously, then the husband and also a lovely lovely man who isn't related to me at all but has been a kind compassionate wonderful source of support and fatherly-ness!

Thing is though I've been buying these wonderful men gifts for years and I'm a bit at a loss as to what to buy that isn't from the tat aisle in the supermarket or doesn't just repeat what's been bought before. 

So we are going old school homemade! I can't go into too much detail about one of my gifts, but it involves Lego! I promise I'll show you how we made it though after it's been opened on the day. 

But I came up with the idea of making really personalised presents for these fellas and I don't mean just a picture present, oh no no! We are creating masterpieces! 

Our hand drawn masterpieces which are being printed as I speak on lovely mugs for the Daddy's we love.

The kids have each drawn a picture for each of the people we are buying for and I've taken a photo of them, transferred them to my TruPrint account and they are having mugs that no one in the world could ever make them! Plus Spartacus is getting a giant poster collage of pictures that his little cherubs made! 

If you think this is a great idea (which of course you do because I'm a genius!) then I'm happy for you to copy and you can even have up to £30 off your order by visiting TruPrint  and using code LOVEMYDAD but be quick you only have until 15 June for Fathers Day orders.

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