Thursday 2 April 2015

My Thankful Thursday, The Mr !

Inspired by Jennie from Odd Socks and Lollipops I have decided to write a personally dedicated Thankful Thursday Post, to my well and truly brilliant husband...

So this is him (and me) an our wedding day, weve been together 14 years, and if I'm being honest with you that means that HE has put up with 14 years of


  • Crazy ideas
  • Regular PMT
  • Me stressing about EVERYTHING
  • Watching me start grand jobs of redecoration and rennovation, knowing he will be left to finish them
  • Terrible housekeeping
  • More tears than you can shake a stick at ( I cry easily)
  • My family (this is no mean feat for anyone we are a messed up bunch!)

He has dealt with everything our life has thrown at us with diplomacy and tact, fixing ay problem he can, he provides a good life for us, working many hours in our business and at university. He has supported every parenting decision I have made without batting an eye lid even when I declared I would be giving birth at home! He is kind and funny and handsome and smart and he is my absolute rock, my protector and provider. I love him unconditionally and he amazes me.

So this week I am very grateful for my man

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