Tuesday 7 April 2015

How Much Does A Child Cost?

I don't mean to buy an ACTUAL child, that would be too wrong for words, no I mean to bring up a child. How much do you think that costs?

This is a conversation that Spartacus and I have had more than once, see the official research shows that the cost is around £200,000 infact LV have looked into this thoroughly even creating a calculatorand they've found it costs £229,251.00!


Now Spartacus thinks this infographic is fairly accurate but I don't think we spend that much at the moment, although I know that in comparison to some families we are fairly frugal. So here are my skinflint tips to keep costs down

Wipe Out Waste

I hate food waste, it's a real bug bear so I try very hard to use everything we buy, if my kids don't want crusts on sarnies, I use the crusts for breadcrumbs, just grate and freeze but make sure you date the container. If veg looks about ready for the off I make veggie burgers or pakoras and freeze for another day. I cook in bulk and freeze in portions, and I get creative with leftovers. We call it trash can salad, a mish mash of all the bits left over in the fridge (boiled egg, ham, beetroot, potatoes and chilli anyone?)

Go Old School

Reusable wipes, cloth Nappies, a make do and mend attitude? All of these things save money, cloth nappies are so good for the environment, our totsbots are amazingly easy and fuss free to use and save an average of £500 in their use. Stitching a torn dress or changing it into something else like a top or skirt is so easy especially in the age of you tube and Pinterest, you can find instructions on everything!

Save £2 Coins

A friend of mine saves every £2 coin she gets and says it adds up massively by Christmas time. Imagine have a nice lump to spend on gifts and shopping without any effort.

Buy Pre loved

There are so many bargains to be had on ebay, gumtree, selling pages and in Charity shops. We buy lots of books, clothes toys and furniture pre-loved. The kids are young enough not to notice or care where their gifts came from and buying pre-loved satisfies my inner hippy, it's greener and cheaper. WIN WIN! I even bought my wedding dress from Brides By Barnados, an ex display Roland Joyce beauty that should have been £995 and cost me a measly £250

How do you save your pennies now that you are parents?

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